Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay On The American Dream - 1456 Words
The United States is known as a country of full of opportunities. Therefore, many people from many different countries decide to leave their native country in order for them to come to the United States and pursue the American Dream. The American Dream has a different meaning for everyone. Many people might think of the American Dream as being able to get a job in order for them to be able to help their family members who they left back in their native country, while for others the American Dream will be to be able to purchase their first home in the United States, while for others the American Dream might be to have a good job in order for them to pay for rent and to afford a good decent living. Even though the American Dream may mean†¦show more content†¦Even though there were a few of us who applied to college the reality is that many of my classmates who were also immigrants in the United States decided not to apply to college regardless of their immigration status. Ther efore, I decided to create this intervention program of college and career readiness for undocumented Students. Intervention Description: Undocumented students may have this idea that they cannot apply or legally attend college due to their immigration status. However, there is now a federal law that says that undocumented immigrant students cannot apply to college. Therefore, the purpose of this intervention of College and Career Readiness for undocumented students is to increase the number of undocumented immigrants applying to college. Students will gain the information and skills that are necessary for college and careers. Federal or state laws do not require students toShow MoreRelatedEssay On The American Dream1004 Words  | 5 PagesThe American Dream: Is it Only a Dream? From the moment colonists stepped foot on American soil, freedom flowed through their skin. The new country would bring endless opprotunities to anyone who wished to pursue their dreams. Through years of effort, the United States was born and along with it a sense of equality and meaning. Today, America has much to stand for. Although times were rough along the way, the American dream is one of being free and having a voice. America has proven itself to beRead MoreAmerican Dream Essay3358 Words  | 14 PagesTHE AMERICAN DREAM THE AMERICAN DREAM Section #1 a. The impact cultures in North America have on the United States is that each region adapted the traditions and/or beliefs of those who settled in that area by maintaining dance, music, and crafts. Many English settlers did not respect the Native American cultures, and were seen as uncivilized and/or savages. Basically there was a clash of cultures, with new ideas pushing away old ways and mayor cultures oppressing others. b. ImmigrationRead MoreThe American Dream Essay755 Words  | 4 PagesA great dream, The American Dream. Or is it? Is my American Dream the same as your American Dream? Does it help? Or is it harmful? Do you know? â€Å"To achieve wealth, status, business, family, house, and (a) car(s).†That is the modern american dream. That’s is quite different compared to the original American Dream, â€Å"Every person has the opportunity to achieve their own idea of happiness.†Which version is your version? Or maybe your version is different. Have you thought about what different versionsRead MoreEssay on The American Dream1459 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Dream in Death of a Salesman, The Great Gatsby, and Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Millions of immigrants come to America each year to seek their American Dream. Many people believe that rising social mobility and success is possibleRead MoreAmerican Dream Essay992 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent issues as they settle in the United States. Although these problems may vary, the message is the same; the American dream is a lot more difficult to achieve than previously thought. Although every immigrant is different in the problems they face while in the country, one problem seems to stand out from the rest. The bigge st obstacle for immigrants to overcome to achieve the American dream is in the field of jobs. The biggest problem immigrants face is finding work in which they can support themselvesRead MoreThe American Dream Essay1480 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Dream is a concept that has circulated around the world and has caused people from other countries, and those who live in America, to come to our nation and take advantage of the opportunities in place to better their lives. The definition of the American Dream, provided by James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America (1931), is â€Å"a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†¦It is not a dreamRead MoreThe American Dream Essay819 Words  | 4 PagesGrowing up, I always thought the â€Å"American Dream†was having a nice suburban house with a husband, a few kids, and a golden retriever. I think of people within the Middle Class had it pretty good because of the nice house and adorable, tightknit family. The drea m has never really changed, and I don’t think what my imagination of it ever will. Something else I think of when thinking about the â€Å"American Dream,†I immediately think about is all the people that come to the United States from all overRead MoreThe American Dream Essay799 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is the American Dream? In America, numerous cultures and ethnic backgrounds are present. The American Dream is a subjective phrase, with different meanings for different people. The novels Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, portray different definitions of the American Dream. In theory, the American Dream is the thought that through hard work, anyone can achieve their goals in this country. In Into the WildRead MoreEssay On The American Dream936 Words  | 4 Pagespersecution. Starting with the European settlements in the 1600s and many waves of diverse groups of people migrated after thus creating this ideology known as the America Dream which encompasses the opportunity at a better life and growth in all aspects political, economic religious etc. But at what cost what is often forgot is the American nightmare which is included the perverse and horrifying accounts of colonialism, diaspora and slavery. Slaves were not migrants they did not come here on their ownRead MoreEssay On The American Dream1328 Words  | 6 Pagestheir personal needs. But of course, as many other families in America did and still do, they had a dream. The American Dream. Which was to come to America for a better life and provide a better future for their family and the future generations of the family. And I am proud to say that they accomplished that American dream. Because I, as an American who comes from Latino origins am the American dream. My family s past has had a very profound influence on me as a person. Since I was a child, I
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Marilyn Monroes Biography - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 612 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Marilyn Monroe Essay Did you like this example? Marilyn Monroe wasnt always her name was Norma Jean Mortenson. Her father was never around, therefore he was absent throughout her life. She also stuttered a lot in her life. She also had minor plastic surgery done. She attempted suicide in December 1950, after Johnny Hyde died. Now that you know more about Marilyn Monroe lets dig deeper into her life. Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1st, 1926 in Los Angeles, CA. She had foster parents because her dad wasnt around and her mom was struggling. Her mom tried to take her back but she had suffered from a mental break down. She moved between different orphanage homes, that made her shy. At 16 years she married her neighbor, James Dougherty but later on they split up. The school she went to is Van Nuys High School, but she dropped out of high school. Later she went to University Of California and other acting schools. Now we can move in to her adult life since we talked about her early life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Marilyn Monroes Biography" essay for you Create order She had three husbands in her lifetime. They were Arthur Miller, Joe DiMaggio, and James Dougherty. She made a contract with Twentieth Century Fox. Before her name was Norma but when she signed the contract Ben Lyon suggested the name Marilyn Monroe. She started getting little roles in movies but then in 1952 she got more bigger roles and then she became â€Å"Most Promising Actress†. But later she got fired because of her behavior. In August 5th, 1962 she was found dead with sleeping pills found next to her. Yes she did go to college, she went to University Of California and UCLA Extension. All in all, these are very important things that happened to Marilyn Monroe, now we can move on to how she contributed to society. She was famous for her modeling, singing, and acting. Some of the movies she was in are Theres No Business Like Show Business, The Misfits, Bus Stop, and lots of other good movies. She played sweet, naive, and innocent characters, which she was the first women to do that. She broke the barrier between feminine characters. Now you know a lot more about how Marilyn Monroe was a role model and how shes one of my role models and hopefully she can be yours too! In conclusion, Marilyn Monroe was a great role model, a singer an actress and activist for women. Norma Jeane Mortenson was born on June 1st, 1926 in Los Angeles, California and had foster parents almost her whole early life. Later on she made a contract with Twentieth Century Fox. They recommend the name â€Å"Marilyn Monroe†. At first she got little roles in movies but in 1952 she got bigger roles. Later she got fired and in 1962 August 5th she was found dead with pills by her side. Marilyn Monroe was a very good role model because she broke barriers for feminine characters. Now that you know a lot more about Marilyn Monroe you can see why shes so famous. Sources Cited Allen, Michael. â€Å"18 Fascinating Facts About Marilyn Monroe – The NonFiction Zone – Medium.†, Medium, 8 June 2016, com, AE Networks Television, monroe. Doll, Susan. â€Å"Marilyn Monroes Early Life.†HowStuffWorks, HowStuffWorks, 29 Aug. 2007, Rittenhouse, HannaJo. â€Å"How Did Marilyn Monroe Contribute to United States History?†, 13 Jan. 2014, â€Å"Marilyn Monroe.†, AE Networks Television, 10 Oct. 2018, â€Å"Marilyn Monroe Biography.†Encyclopedia of World Biography, Advameg, Inc., â€Å"Marilyn Monroe Short Biography -.†Biography Online,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Statement for an English Course Free Essays
English Personal Statement â€Å"That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Statement for an English Course or any similar topic only for you Order Now †F. Scott Fitzgerald. I suppose that’s why people love literature so much, it gives you the chance to explore realms of mind, body and spirit and observe life in an entirely different way. Modern Literature has always been of utmost interest to me alongside certain appreciations for the texts written within the Elizabethan period. I admire the ay that modern issues are portrayed through characters, allowing me to observe human nature, in a new analytical light. Ultimately my goal in life is to become an English teacher so that I can pass on knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject. Returning to do a seventh year has provided me with a chance to expand on my current qualifications and enhance my understanding of literature through Philosophy and my Advanced Higher English course. A firm grasp of historic events from my previous History course has assisted me in my English course as it is entrally focused on independent study. Researching the background of authors and the period that which they were in, has helped me distinguish my analysis of the literature alongside preparing me for the academic world of university. One of my first duties within school is that of the role of prefect. I have done this duty for two years now and it involves maintaining order within the corridors. I have also been appointed an Independent Studies Supervisor. This requires me to take a leadership role and motivate others to complete their work while assisting them in areas that I ave studied. It is a very rewarding experience to be able to teach students in some aspects; hence I am within my complete element in this situation. In my spare time I enjoy writing poems or stories reflecting my outlook on life, or even my observation of others endeavours. From a personal point of view this allows me to expand on themes that have real meaning to me and understand why others apply those themes within novels, plays and poems. Concurrently writing about others allows me to see the development of real life characters, break down their actions and analyse he thoughts that they are feeling and empathise with them. Furthermore for the last eight years I have been in this group known as Musical Youth. We put on productions of popular well known shows. However for the last two years I have progressed to the adult group known as Encore. This involves writing our own plays contemporary, Victorian or otherwise; again allowing me to expand upon the mentality of characters and well thought themes. In my English course this has helped me understand the real root of what each writer is trying to say. Because of this I would certainly Join ocieties such as drama and even sports such as rugby. Between all the drama, I like to spend a little time and give back to the community. I head to the Day Care Centre each week and help the elderly while keeping them company. Some of the stories they have to tell are magnificent, and has given me insight to a basis of real live events in the past, which I apply currently in my English course. Now as a teenager I naturally need money, so to subsidise this I work as a part time Sales Assistant at Game, where you meet a variety of people with different cultures every day How to cite Personal Statement for an English Course, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development free essay sample
CYPCore32-1 Be able to assess the development needs of children or young people and prepare a development plan. CYPCore32-1. 1 Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development. When carrying out an assessment, there are a number of important factors that have to be taken into consideration. Before recording any information, permission should be obtained from the parents/carers of the child and possibly even the child. This permission is normally obtained when the Policies and Permissions are signed as part of the contract of care. The information recorded should be appropriately shared with the parents/carers and other professionals who are involved with the care of the child e. g. physiotherapists, occupational therapists. Paper copies of the information should be kept secure in a lockable filing cabinet while digital data should be stored on a removable device that can be locked away or on a cloud based system that has appropriate security measures and can only be accessed by the childminder and possibly parents/carers. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Care should be taken when observing the child and their feelings should be taken into account e. g. a child might become closed if they see a camera pointing at them or they feel that the personal space is being invaded. Ethnic, cultural and language backgrounds should be taken into account e. g. a family might be offended if a male is observing their child; or it might be difficult to understand a child who does not have English as their primary language. A practitioner should be aware that a child who is disabled or has special requirements might not be as developmentally advanced as other children e. g. a two year old who has suffered a stroke might have difficulty in walking or might only have full function in one arm. The information recorded should be based on accurate factual data obtained from your observations. Personal opinions should not be recorded as the data could be biased and effect future planning for the child. Children should not be compared against each other as one might be more advanced in some areas then the other and vice versa. Where two people are observing the same child at the same time, the data recorded can be more accurate. Observations should take place in a variety of locations over a period of time so as much information can be gained giving a bigger picture of the child’s development.
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