Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Opinion argument for or against Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Assessment contention possibly in support - Essay Example give quality instruction to however many residents as could reasonably be expected dismissing their individual eccentricities and empower them to understand their latent capacity. In the event that the skilled understudies have progressively potential, they ought to have the option to acknowledge it, and making exceptional classes is by all accounts the most ideal way out. In any case, there are a few issues to be thought of. The issue of finding some kind of harmony among normalization and individualization when choosing if the kids should concentrate independently or stay in the common class is one of the most topical: [s]tandardizing the evaluation systems, substance, and scoring standards empowers those not legitimately associated with the organization of the appraisal to comprehend the conditions under which the exhibition happened and the rules against which it was scored. Subsequently, normalization is basic if test scores are to be comprehended by anybody not personally proficient about the subtleties of the appraisal strategies used to test every understudy. (Hager and Slocum 2005, 55) In any case, as the understudies are for the most part very various, with their own needs and eccentricities, singular methodology ought to likewise not be dismissed. The No Child Left Behind Act expresses that testing is mandatory for all the American understudies, incorporating the understudies with incapacities. (Hager and Slocum 2005, 54) obviously, the issues of picking a fitting exchange appraisal and the arrangement of the specific programs with a general educational program emerge, alongside the issue of the moral character - that it is so sensible to execute high-stakes testing to the understudies who are less capable contrasted with the rest. As I have referenced toward the start of the paper, however I bolster giving the capable and inspired children however much as could reasonably be expected, there are some significant and consuming issues that can settle on this choice out of line and wrong. For me, the purposes behind not setting the talented understudies into the particular classes lay in various circles. As a matter of first importance, a few understudies who can be assessed as non-talented and who have issues learning, could be the survivors of an abstract assessment - their astuteness and capacities may be as high as those of the understudies with higher scores, however there is something that keeps them from demonstrating that (enthusiastic issues, low confidence, troublesome circumstances in the family and other individual issues, and so on.) There are, in any case, a few issues that are of a progressively confused nature. Despite the fact that means are being taken to accomplish equity between the Americans of various sexual orientations, races, and social and financial foundations, still the issue of imbalance is consuming one. It has been demonstrated by scientists that the understudies originating from the groups of higher social and monetary foundation get better instruction in schools, and in this manner they will in general have critical preferred position when contrasted with less fortunate kids. Dark kids, among whom the quantity of those originating from poor families is a lot higher than among the white children, have a restricted access to instruction, and in this manner even a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The differences of domestic terrorism and international terrorism
The distinctions of household psychological warfare and global fear based oppression The United States Code (2010) characterizes household psychological warfare as exercises that- (An) include demonstrations perilous to human life that are an infringement of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) give off an impression of being planned (I) to threaten or force a regular citizen populace; (ii) to impact the approach of an administration by terrorizing or compulsion; or (iii) to influence the lead of an administration by mass annihilation, death, or grabbing; and (C) happen basically inside the regional purview of the United States. The United States Code (2010) proceeds to characterize global psychological warfare as exercises that- (An) include savage acts or acts risky to human life that are an infringement of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal infringement whenever carried out inside the ward of the United States or of any State; (B) give off an impression of being planned (I) to threaten or force a non military personnel populace; (ii) to impact the approach of an administration by terrorizing or intimidation; or (iii) to influence the lead of an administration by mass pulverization, death, or hijacking; and (C) happen fundamentally outside the regional ward of the United States, or rise above national limits as far as the methods by which they are practiced, the people they seem expected to scare or force, or the area wherein their culprits work or look for refuge. In what ways is it practically not the same as worldwide fear based oppression? Practically residential psychological oppression happens inside the limits of the United States while global fear mongering happens outside United States limits and locale. Likewise, recognize local psychological warfare from above versus residential psychological warfare from underneath. Give models. Fear based oppression from above happens when people who are legitimately enabled either secretly or unmistakably use, or take steps to utilize, political viciousness to keep up or protect political force inside their local outskirts, or to look after, shield, oust, or sabotage the political intensity of different countries inside the global network. Fear based oppression from underneath happens when people use, or take steps to utilize, political brutality either to sabotage or topple existing legislative strategies or structures, or to scare people and gatherings they see as threatening to the social, political, financial, or ideological the norm (Vohryzek-Bolden et al, 2001, p. 11-12). Rearranged, fear based oppression from above is the point at which a legislature incurs dread on the individuals and psychological warfare from underneath is the point at which the individuals defy the administration. Psychological warfare from underneath is generally low tech and includes things easy to relate. Some particular types of psychological oppression that typically fall into fear mongering from underneath are death, grimy bombs, mobs, and burnings. Fear mongering from above can be all the more innovative and can utilize things not effectively reachable by people. Structures that typically fall into fear mongering from above would be detainment, mass decimation, and atomic and natural weapons. A few occasions where local fear mongering from beneath have occurred in late United States history are; the World Trade Center Bombing that happened on February 26, 1993, the Oklahoma City Bombing that happened on April 19, 1995, and the multi year long slaughtering binge of the Unabomber from 1978 until catch in 1996. The Ku Klux Klan likewise dedicated numerous demonstrations of fear based oppression from beneath against African Americans, Jews and Roman Catholics over a multi year time frame. Psychological oppression from above happened when the primary Americans beginning driving out the Native American Indians and kept on doing as such since the beginning constraining them to where they could live, work, and love. Different instances of psychological oppression from above is the 1994 Rwandan Genocide that killed more than 800,000 individuals through the span of 100 days and the Holocaust wherein the Nazis killed more than 6 million Jews during World War II. Test Question 2 2. Sum up the ways to deal with political brutality as displayed by Mao Tse-Tung, Che Guevara, Carlos Marighella, and Frantz Fanon. Which residential dread gatherings from an earlier time or present would you relate to these various methodologies? Clarify your position. Sum up the ways to deal with political viciousness as displayed by Mao Tse-Tung, Che Guevara, Carlos Marighella, and Frantz Fanon. Mao Tse Tung, Che Guevara, and Carlos Marighella meant well about utilizing political viciousness. These individuals had adjusted guerrilla fighting to particularly provincial and urban regions; suggested that fear was to be utilized as an approach to change existing political structures and change them into Marxist administrative frameworks; and established that dread was a device to be utilized distinctly to topple the abusers of intensity, never against guiltless regular people. Then again, Franz Fanon overhauled their strategies by guaranteeing that fear was a helpful, legitimate methods for accomplishing opportunity and, now and again, for going about as a purging power important to endurance. From there on, a few psychological militants had formulated a variant of their ideas that fear was not only to be utilized as a way to increase an end, but instead as an end unto itself (Vohryzek-Bolden et al, 2001, p. 69-70). Which local dread gatherings from an earlier time or present would you relate to these various methodologies? Clarify your position. Like Mao, Guevara and Marighella, the extended clashes Irish Republican Army (IRA) and, all the more as of late, the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) of Northern Ireland have comparable approaches to manage political viciousness. The difficulties among England and Ireland are hundreds of years old; the autonomous Irish Free State, in any case, was not built up until 1920, following quite a while of battle by the illicit Irish Republican Army, which joined fear mongering and guerilla fighting in its fight with England. Around then, England held the to a great extent Protestant northern districts of Ireland, called Ulster, and gave them exceptional status as a substance inside Great Britain. In spite of the fact that this segment of Ireland was eagerly restricted by the recently autonomous Irish Free State, it proceeded and built up certain authenticity throughout the years. The IRA strategies, however not its objectives, were monstrously censured by the Republic of Ireland during the post-autonomy time. Selection of strategies additionally prompted the burst between the PIRA and the OIRA (Official Irish Republican Army) in the mid 1970s. The OIRA currently attempts to work for serene change, while the PIRA stays a psychological militant association (Maxon-Browne, 1981). The PIRAs point is to remove the British soldiers from Ulster and join this territory with the Republic. Through bombings in England and assaults on British officers in England and Northern Ireland, it wants to wear out British protection from unification. Every year there are grievous instances of the homicide of regular folks and fighters. In 1990 a fear based oppressor assault against the habitation of the British leader was barely turned away, and in 1992 the IRA ventured up its battle of dread, with visit bombings and bomb dangers. Then again, Fanons approach depends on the conviction that through viciousness the persecuted people groups of Algeria and different countries can free themselves of their feeling of inadequacy and from [their] despondency and inaction; it makes [the oppressed] intrepid and reestablishes sense of pride. Fanon sees viciousness as a freeing power as well as a way to make, it feasible for the majority to comprehend social realities and gives the way to them (Dobson Payne, 1982, p. 19). This was like Osama receptacle Laden and Al Qaidas approach. Canister Laden has utilized his binds with al-Qaida to direct an overall battle of fear based oppression. The essential objective of Bin Laden and his supporters is to free Palestine, with auxiliary objectives of expelling the Saudi decision family from force and driving Western military powers and their degenerate, Western-situated governments from dominatingly Muslim nations. Most Islamic warriors have no enthusiasm for methodologies of verifi cation or existential acknowledgment and no enthusiasm for Marxist speculations of liberation. Yet, in one regard, their activities reverberation Fanons thoughts the demonstration of dread not just had an expressive significance for the criminals, yet an existential importance also. Indeed, even self destruction can be life insisting (Coker, 2003, p. 291). Test Question 3 3. As you would like to think, what were the most punctual types of fear based oppression in the United States? Who were the culprits? Who were the people in question? Is your sentiment equivalent to that contained in the Vohryzek-Bolden, et al. content? Give models. Likewise, clarify whether you accept these early fear mongers were no better (or no more awful) than present day psychological militants. The greatest type of early American psychological oppression in the United States happen when the recently settled British colonials caught, shipped, and exchanged dark Africans America. The culprits were the British colonials and the casualties were Blacks. I accept what the content states in that Blacks were purchased and sold and treated as property of Whites. There was a legitimate bondage framework that drove fear into constantly. Most psychological oppressor activities today, when completed, possibly hurt not very many individuals regardless of whether the intended interest group is enormous, real setbacks are low contrasted with what the Blacks needed to endure. For more than 250 years blacks were constrained into subjection and tormented, beaten, starved, and treated more terrible than a White man would treat his pooch. In view of the life span and seriousness of the manner in which Whites treated Blacks, it was more terrible than present day fear based oppression. Test Question 4 4. In what ways are conservative dread gatherings reinforced together by bigotry, religion, and hostile to governmentalism? Additionally, what job does the option to carry weapons under the second Amendment play with these gatherings? How has Odinism become a piece of the condition for a few? In what ways are conservative dread gatherings reinforced together by bigotry, religion, and hostile to governmentalism? Demonstrations of fear mongering have been around as long as p
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Signs That Youre In a Healthy Relationship
Signs That You're In a Healthy Relationship Relationships Spouses & Partners Print How to Know If You Are In a Healthy Relationship By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on January 23, 2020 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on January 23, 2020 Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse In This Article Table of Contents Expand Characteristics of Healthy Relationships Signs of Problems How to Build a Healthier Relationship When to Seek Help View All Back To Top Relationships are an important part of a healthy life. Research has consistently shown that social connections are critical for both mental and physical health. People who have healthy relationships have better health outcomes, are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, and have a decreased risk of mortality. ?? For example, research has shown that people in secure romantic relationships have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.?? It is important to remember that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every relationship has a mix of both healthy and unhealthy characteristics. What makes a bond positive is that each person recognizes that these bonds take work and each person must strive to maintain the connection and remedy problems. People often spend a lot of time talking about how to spot a bad relationship, but there is a lot less discussion about what exactly constitutes a healthy relationship. How can you know if your relationship is healthy and what can you do to make an okay relationship even better? Questions to Ask Yourself Do you have trust in one another?Do you respect each other?Do you support each other’s interests and efforts?Are you honest and open with each other?Are you able to maintain your individual identity?Do you talk about your feelings, hopes, fears, and dreams?Do you feel and express fondness and affection?Is there equality and fairness in your relationship? Every person’s needs are different. For example, some people have higher needs for openness and affection than others do. In a healthy relationship, each person is able to get what they need. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships While all relationships are different, there are some key characteristics that help differentiate a healthy interpersonal connection from an unhealthy one. Trust Trust in your partner is a key component of any healthy relationship. Research suggests that your ability to trust others is influenced by your overall attachment style.?? Relationships experienced early in life help shape the expectations that you have for future relationships. If your past relationships have been secure, stable, and trusting, you are more likely to trust future partners as well. If, however, your past relationships were unstable and undependable, you may have to work through some trust issues going forward. Trust is also established by how partners treat one another. When you see that your partner treats you well, is dependable, and will be there when you need them, you are more likely to develop this trust. Building trust requires mutual self-disclosure by sharing things about yourself. As time passes, opportunities to test and evaluate that trust emerge. As trust grows, the relationship becomes a great source of comfort and security. If you feel that you have to hide things from your partner, it may be because you lack this essential trust. Openness and Honesty You should be able to feel that you can be yourself in a healthy relationship. While all couples have varying levels of openness and self-disclosure, you should never feel like you have to hide aspects of yourself or change who you are. Being open and honest with each other not only helps you feel more connected as a couple, but it also helps foster trust. Self-disclosure refers to what you are willing to share about yourself with another person. At the beginning of a relationship, you may hold back and exercise more caution about what you are willing to reveal. Over time, as the intimacy of a relationship increases, partners begin to reveal more of their thoughts, opinions, beliefs, interests, and memories to one another. This doesn’t mean that you need to share every single thing with your partner. Each individual needs their own privacy and space. What matters most is whether each partner feels comfortable sharing their hopes, fears, and feelings if they so choose. Healthy couples dont need to be together all the time or share everything. Differences in opinion over how much honesty there should be in a relationship can sometimes cause problems, however. Fortunately, one study found that when people are unhappy with their partner’s level of openness, they typically discuss the problem with their partner.?? This is a good example of how addressing a problem openly can help strengthen a relationship. While your partner may have different needs than you, it is important to find ways to compromise while still maintaining your own boundaries. Boundaries are not about secrecy; they establish that each person has their own needs and expectations. Healthy boundaries in a relationship allow you to still do the things that are important to you, such as going out with friends and maintaining privacy, while still sharing important things with your partner. A partner who has unhealthy expectations of openness and honesty might expect to know every detail of where you are and what youre doing, restrict who you can spend time with, or demand access to your personal social media accounts. Why Self-Disclosure Is Important In Relationships Mutual Respect In close, healthy relationships, people have a shared respect for one another. They dont demean or belittle one another and offer support and security. There are a number of different ways that couples can show respect for one another. These include: Listening to one anotherNot procrastinating when your partner asks you to do somethingBeing understanding and forgiving when one person makes a mistakeBuilding each other up; not tearing each other downMaking room in your life for your partnerTaking an interest in the things your partner enjoysAllowing your partner to have their own individualitySupporting and encouraging your partner’s pursuits and passionsShowing appreciation and gratitude for one anotherHaving empathy for one another Affection Healthy relationships are characterized by fondness and affection. Research has shown that the initial passion that marks the start of a new relationship tends to decline over time?? , but this does not mean that the need for affection, comfort, and tenderness lessens. Passionate love usually happens during the beginning of a relationship and is characterized by intense longing, strong emotions, and a need to maintain physical closeness. This passionate love eventually transforms into compassionate love, which is marked by feelings of affection, trust, intimacy, and commitment. While those intense early feelings eventually return to normal levels, couples in healthy relationships are able to build progressively deeper intimacy as the relationship progresses. However, it is important to remember that physical needs are different for each individual. There is no “right†amount of affection or intimacy. The key to a healthy relationship is that both partners are content with the level of affection that they share with their partner. A nurturing partnership is characterized by genuine fondness and affection for one another that is expressed in a variety of ways. Compassionate and Passionate Love Good Communication Healthy, long-lasting relationships, whether they are friendships or romantic partnerships, require the ability to communicate well. One study found that a couples communication style was more important than stress, commitment, and personality in predicting whether married couples would eventually divorce.?? While it might seem like the best relationships are those that don’t involve conflict, knowing how to argue and resolve differences of opinion effectively is more important than simply avoiding arguments in order to keep the peace. Sometimes conflict can be an opportunity to strengthen a connection with your partner. Research has shown that conflict can be beneficial in intimate relationships when serious problems need to be addressed, allowing partners to make changes that benefit the future of the relationship.?? When conflicts do arise, those in healthy relationships are able to avoid personal attacks. Instead, they remain respectful and empathetic of their partner as they discuss their thoughts and feelings and work toward a resolution. Give-and-Take Strong relationships are marked by natural reciprocity. It isn’t about keeping score or feeling that you owe the other person. You do things for one another because you genuinely want to. This doesn’t mean that the give-and-take in a relationship is always 100% equal. At times, one partner may need more help and support. In other cases, one partner may simply prefer to take more of a caregiver role. Such imbalances are fine as long as each person is ok with the dynamic and both partners are getting the support that they need. Signs of Problems Relationships can change over time and not every relationship is 100% healthy all the time. Times of stress, in particular, can lead to unhealthy behaviors and coping mechanisms that can create problems. A relationship is unhealthy when the bad outweighs the good or when certain behaviors are harmful to one or both individuals. Feeling pressured to change who you areNeglecting your own needs to put your partner firstBeing pressured to quit the things you enjoyLack of privacy or pressure to share every detail of your life with your partnerUnequal control over shared resources including money and transportationAttempts to control your behaviors Criticizing what you do, who you spend time with, how you dress, etc.Being afraid to share your opinions or thoughtsPoor communicationLack of fairness when settling conflictsFeeling that spending time together is an obligationAvoiding one anotherYellingPhysical violence Some problems may be temporary and something that you can address together, either through self-help methods or by consulting a mental health professional. When it comes to more serious problems, such as abusive behaviors, your primary concern should be on maintaining your safety and security. How to Build a Healthier Relationship Toxic behaviors are often a sign that an unhealthy relationship should end. For other problems, there are many ways to fix weaknesses and build a healthier relationship. Some steps you can take to make your relationship stronger: Show Appreciation Couples who feel gratitude for one another feel closer to one another and tend to be more satisfied with their relationships. One study published in the journal Personal Relationships found that showing gratitude for a partner can be an important way to boost satisfaction in romantic relationships.?? Another study found that feeling gratitude for a romantic partner was a predictor of whether a relationship would last.?? Keep Things Interesting Keeping up with the daily grind of work and kids can sometimes cause couples to fall into the same old routine. Boredom can lead to greater dissatisfaction as a relationship goes on. Researchers have found, for example, that couples who reported feeling bored in the seventh year of their relationship were more likely to experience marital dissatisfaction nine years later.?? So what are some things that you can do to keep the romance alive over the long-term?Make time for one another; schedule in dates or set aside time each week to focus on one anotherTry new things together; take a class or try a new hobby that you can both enjoyBreak out of the same old routine; Find time for intimacy When to Seek Help All relationships are going to have their bumps in the road. Conflicts over finances, the challenges of parenting, and other differences can all create ups and downs in a long-term relationship. Even if you and your partner have a healthy relationship most of the time, problems might sometimes arise that might benefit from professional help. If you feel like your relationship might benefit from outside help, consider talking to a counselor or therapist. A mental health professional skilled in addressing interpersonal and relationship issues can help you both learn to communicate, listen, and cope with some of the issues that might be challenging your relationship. It is important to remember that you cannot force someone to change their behavior unless they want to. If your partner is not interested or willing in going to counseling, go on your own and focus on your own needs and wellness. Work on building your social support system outside of the relationship and consider ending a relationship if it is ultimately unhealthy. A Word From Verywell Even if your relationship seems healthy, it can be helpful at times to step back and look for improvements you can make together. Healthy relationships are marked by an ability to recognize problems, including your own, that might pose a threat to the long-term success of your relationship. By being willing to analyze your relationship, you can work together to build a more fulfilling partnership. An Overview of Relationship Counseling
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay On The American Dream - 1456 Words
The United States is known as a country of full of opportunities. Therefore, many people from many different countries decide to leave their native country in order for them to come to the United States and pursue the American Dream. The American Dream has a different meaning for everyone. Many people might think of the American Dream as being able to get a job in order for them to be able to help their family members who they left back in their native country, while for others the American Dream will be to be able to purchase their first home in the United States, while for others the American Dream might be to have a good job in order for them to pay for rent and to afford a good decent living. Even though the American Dream may mean†¦show more content†¦Even though there were a few of us who applied to college the reality is that many of my classmates who were also immigrants in the United States decided not to apply to college regardless of their immigration status. Ther efore, I decided to create this intervention program of college and career readiness for undocumented Students. Intervention Description: Undocumented students may have this idea that they cannot apply or legally attend college due to their immigration status. However, there is now a federal law that says that undocumented immigrant students cannot apply to college. Therefore, the purpose of this intervention of College and Career Readiness for undocumented students is to increase the number of undocumented immigrants applying to college. Students will gain the information and skills that are necessary for college and careers. Federal or state laws do not require students toShow MoreRelatedEssay On The American Dream1004 Words  | 5 PagesThe American Dream: Is it Only a Dream? From the moment colonists stepped foot on American soil, freedom flowed through their skin. The new country would bring endless opprotunities to anyone who wished to pursue their dreams. Through years of effort, the United States was born and along with it a sense of equality and meaning. Today, America has much to stand for. Although times were rough along the way, the American dream is one of being free and having a voice. America has proven itself to beRead MoreAmerican Dream Essay3358 Words  | 14 PagesTHE AMERICAN DREAM THE AMERICAN DREAM Section #1 a. The impact cultures in North America have on the United States is that each region adapted the traditions and/or beliefs of those who settled in that area by maintaining dance, music, and crafts. Many English settlers did not respect the Native American cultures, and were seen as uncivilized and/or savages. Basically there was a clash of cultures, with new ideas pushing away old ways and mayor cultures oppressing others. b. ImmigrationRead MoreThe American Dream Essay755 Words  | 4 PagesA great dream, The American Dream. Or is it? Is my American Dream the same as your American Dream? Does it help? Or is it harmful? Do you know? â€Å"To achieve wealth, status, business, family, house, and (a) car(s).†That is the modern american dream. That’s is quite different compared to the original American Dream, â€Å"Every person has the opportunity to achieve their own idea of happiness.†Which version is your version? Or maybe your version is different. Have you thought about what different versionsRead MoreEssay on The American Dream1459 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Dream in Death of a Salesman, The Great Gatsby, and Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Millions of immigrants come to America each year to seek their American Dream. Many people believe that rising social mobility and success is possibleRead MoreAmerican Dream Essay992 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent issues as they settle in the United States. Although these problems may vary, the message is the same; the American dream is a lot more difficult to achieve than previously thought. Although every immigrant is different in the problems they face while in the country, one problem seems to stand out from the rest. The bigge st obstacle for immigrants to overcome to achieve the American dream is in the field of jobs. The biggest problem immigrants face is finding work in which they can support themselvesRead MoreThe American Dream Essay1480 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Dream is a concept that has circulated around the world and has caused people from other countries, and those who live in America, to come to our nation and take advantage of the opportunities in place to better their lives. The definition of the American Dream, provided by James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America (1931), is â€Å"a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†¦It is not a dreamRead MoreThe American Dream Essay819 Words  | 4 PagesGrowing up, I always thought the â€Å"American Dream†was having a nice suburban house with a husband, a few kids, and a golden retriever. I think of people within the Middle Class had it pretty good because of the nice house and adorable, tightknit family. The drea m has never really changed, and I don’t think what my imagination of it ever will. Something else I think of when thinking about the â€Å"American Dream,†I immediately think about is all the people that come to the United States from all overRead MoreThe American Dream Essay799 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is the American Dream? In America, numerous cultures and ethnic backgrounds are present. The American Dream is a subjective phrase, with different meanings for different people. The novels Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, portray different definitions of the American Dream. In theory, the American Dream is the thought that through hard work, anyone can achieve their goals in this country. In Into the WildRead MoreEssay On The American Dream936 Words  | 4 Pagespersecution. Starting with the European settlements in the 1600s and many waves of diverse groups of people migrated after thus creating this ideology known as the America Dream which encompasses the opportunity at a better life and growth in all aspects political, economic religious etc. But at what cost what is often forgot is the American nightmare which is included the perverse and horrifying accounts of colonialism, diaspora and slavery. Slaves were not migrants they did not come here on their ownRead MoreEssay On The American Dream1328 Words  | 6 Pagestheir personal needs. But of course, as many other families in America did and still do, they had a dream. The American Dream. Which was to come to America for a better life and provide a better future for their family and the future generations of the family. And I am proud to say that they accomplished that American dream. Because I, as an American who comes from Latino origins am the American dream. My family s past has had a very profound influence on me as a person. Since I was a child, I
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Marilyn Monroes Biography - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 612 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Marilyn Monroe Essay Did you like this example? Marilyn Monroe wasnt always her name was Norma Jean Mortenson. Her father was never around, therefore he was absent throughout her life. She also stuttered a lot in her life. She also had minor plastic surgery done. She attempted suicide in December 1950, after Johnny Hyde died. Now that you know more about Marilyn Monroe lets dig deeper into her life. Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1st, 1926 in Los Angeles, CA. She had foster parents because her dad wasnt around and her mom was struggling. Her mom tried to take her back but she had suffered from a mental break down. She moved between different orphanage homes, that made her shy. At 16 years she married her neighbor, James Dougherty but later on they split up. The school she went to is Van Nuys High School, but she dropped out of high school. Later she went to University Of California and other acting schools. Now we can move in to her adult life since we talked about her early life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Marilyn Monroes Biography" essay for you Create order She had three husbands in her lifetime. They were Arthur Miller, Joe DiMaggio, and James Dougherty. She made a contract with Twentieth Century Fox. Before her name was Norma but when she signed the contract Ben Lyon suggested the name Marilyn Monroe. She started getting little roles in movies but then in 1952 she got more bigger roles and then she became â€Å"Most Promising Actress†. But later she got fired because of her behavior. In August 5th, 1962 she was found dead with sleeping pills found next to her. Yes she did go to college, she went to University Of California and UCLA Extension. All in all, these are very important things that happened to Marilyn Monroe, now we can move on to how she contributed to society. She was famous for her modeling, singing, and acting. Some of the movies she was in are Theres No Business Like Show Business, The Misfits, Bus Stop, and lots of other good movies. She played sweet, naive, and innocent characters, which she was the first women to do that. She broke the barrier between feminine characters. Now you know a lot more about how Marilyn Monroe was a role model and how shes one of my role models and hopefully she can be yours too! In conclusion, Marilyn Monroe was a great role model, a singer an actress and activist for women. Norma Jeane Mortenson was born on June 1st, 1926 in Los Angeles, California and had foster parents almost her whole early life. Later on she made a contract with Twentieth Century Fox. They recommend the name â€Å"Marilyn Monroe†. At first she got little roles in movies but in 1952 she got bigger roles. Later she got fired and in 1962 August 5th she was found dead with pills by her side. Marilyn Monroe was a very good role model because she broke barriers for feminine characters. Now that you know a lot more about Marilyn Monroe you can see why shes so famous. Sources Cited Allen, Michael. â€Å"18 Fascinating Facts About Marilyn Monroe – The NonFiction Zone – Medium.†Medium.com, Medium, 8 June 2016, medium.com/the-nonfiction-zone/18-fascinating-facts-about-marilyn-monroe-f074ccd76f2b. com, AE Networks Television, www.biography.com/search?query=Marilyn monroe. Doll, Susan. â€Å"Marilyn Monroes Early Life.†HowStuffWorks, HowStuffWorks, 29 Aug. 2007, entertainment.howstuffworks.com/marilyn-monroe-early-life.htm. Rittenhouse, HannaJo. â€Å"How Did Marilyn Monroe Contribute to United States History?†Prezi.com, 13 Jan. 2014, prezi.com/7vwr54w6m_bd/how-did-marilyn-monroe-contribute-to-united-states-history/. â€Å"Marilyn Monroe.†Biography.com, AE Networks Television, 10 Oct. 2018, www.biography.com/people/marilyn-monroe-9412123. â€Å"Marilyn Monroe Biography.†Encyclopedia of World Biography, Advameg, Inc., www.notablebiographies.com/Mo-Ni/Monroe-Marilyn.html. â€Å"Marilyn Monroe Short Biography -.†Biography Online, www.biographyonline.net/actors/marilyn-monroe.html.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Statement for an English Course Free Essays
English Personal Statement â€Å"That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Statement for an English Course or any similar topic only for you Order Now †F. Scott Fitzgerald. I suppose that’s why people love literature so much, it gives you the chance to explore realms of mind, body and spirit and observe life in an entirely different way. Modern Literature has always been of utmost interest to me alongside certain appreciations for the texts written within the Elizabethan period. I admire the ay that modern issues are portrayed through characters, allowing me to observe human nature, in a new analytical light. Ultimately my goal in life is to become an English teacher so that I can pass on knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject. Returning to do a seventh year has provided me with a chance to expand on my current qualifications and enhance my understanding of literature through Philosophy and my Advanced Higher English course. A firm grasp of historic events from my previous History course has assisted me in my English course as it is entrally focused on independent study. Researching the background of authors and the period that which they were in, has helped me distinguish my analysis of the literature alongside preparing me for the academic world of university. One of my first duties within school is that of the role of prefect. I have done this duty for two years now and it involves maintaining order within the corridors. I have also been appointed an Independent Studies Supervisor. This requires me to take a leadership role and motivate others to complete their work while assisting them in areas that I ave studied. It is a very rewarding experience to be able to teach students in some aspects; hence I am within my complete element in this situation. In my spare time I enjoy writing poems or stories reflecting my outlook on life, or even my observation of others endeavours. From a personal point of view this allows me to expand on themes that have real meaning to me and understand why others apply those themes within novels, plays and poems. Concurrently writing about others allows me to see the development of real life characters, break down their actions and analyse he thoughts that they are feeling and empathise with them. Furthermore for the last eight years I have been in this group known as Musical Youth. We put on productions of popular well known shows. However for the last two years I have progressed to the adult group known as Encore. This involves writing our own plays contemporary, Victorian or otherwise; again allowing me to expand upon the mentality of characters and well thought themes. In my English course this has helped me understand the real root of what each writer is trying to say. Because of this I would certainly Join ocieties such as drama and even sports such as rugby. Between all the drama, I like to spend a little time and give back to the community. I head to the Day Care Centre each week and help the elderly while keeping them company. Some of the stories they have to tell are magnificent, and has given me insight to a basis of real live events in the past, which I apply currently in my English course. Now as a teenager I naturally need money, so to subsidise this I work as a part time Sales Assistant at Game, where you meet a variety of people with different cultures every day How to cite Personal Statement for an English Course, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development free essay sample
CYPCore32-1 Be able to assess the development needs of children or young people and prepare a development plan. CYPCore32-1. 1 Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development. When carrying out an assessment, there are a number of important factors that have to be taken into consideration. Before recording any information, permission should be obtained from the parents/carers of the child and possibly even the child. This permission is normally obtained when the Policies and Permissions are signed as part of the contract of care. The information recorded should be appropriately shared with the parents/carers and other professionals who are involved with the care of the child e. g. physiotherapists, occupational therapists. Paper copies of the information should be kept secure in a lockable filing cabinet while digital data should be stored on a removable device that can be locked away or on a cloud based system that has appropriate security measures and can only be accessed by the childminder and possibly parents/carers. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Care should be taken when observing the child and their feelings should be taken into account e. g. a child might become closed if they see a camera pointing at them or they feel that the personal space is being invaded. Ethnic, cultural and language backgrounds should be taken into account e. g. a family might be offended if a male is observing their child; or it might be difficult to understand a child who does not have English as their primary language. A practitioner should be aware that a child who is disabled or has special requirements might not be as developmentally advanced as other children e. g. a two year old who has suffered a stroke might have difficulty in walking or might only have full function in one arm. The information recorded should be based on accurate factual data obtained from your observations. Personal opinions should not be recorded as the data could be biased and effect future planning for the child. Children should not be compared against each other as one might be more advanced in some areas then the other and vice versa. Where two people are observing the same child at the same time, the data recorded can be more accurate. Observations should take place in a variety of locations over a period of time so as much information can be gained giving a bigger picture of the child’s development.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Estefania Oliveros Essays (725 words) - Crime Scene,
Estefania Oliveros Crime Investigation CJ 210 - 51 There are many different types of investigations that can occur on duty. Whether you are a police officer, fire fighter or detective, investigations help us understand the events or actions that caused an incident. An example of an investigation is the preliminary investigation. A preliminary investigation is when law enforcement gathers more information about the incident. The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether or not a crime has been committed. It is also designed to identify a suspect's identity. After this is done, a decision is later made to whether or not conduct a full investigation or go to trial. The first step to a preliminary investigation is the initial response. This is an important part to a successful investigation. This is because "most cases actually are lost during the first hour of an investigation, the initial period ." The officer that gets there first is known as the primary officer. This officer is in charge until they are relieved by another officer. "A survey conducted by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) revealed that a response time of one minute or less is necessary to increase the probability of arrest at the scene." Even though this is what the survey proved there is not enough money to provide this response time. The first officer that arrives to the scene has to know what to do regarding the situation occurring. They must be able to take charge immediately and be able to control the situation. By this I mean people maybe excited or shaken up at the scene. The first officer must be able to get people to cooperate. After that has been taken care of, the setting is what comes next. The setting allows people to know what happened first. The priorities of the setting are handling emergencies first. Securing the scene and investigation what took place. During emergencies officers have to act according to the procedure they were given. Officers should also be aware that there could always be more than one suspect. If the officer is able to respond to the call quickly, they might be able to detain the suspect. "Any suspect at the scene should be detained, questioned and then released depending on circumstances." If the suspect has left the scene then immediate action is required if information is provided early enough. An arrest can be made sooner. If a person is seriously injured it is important to aid the victims first. Their safety is the top priority of the arriving officers. They should observe and record the injured person's condition. If the person is severely injured the important thing to do at that moment, is to remove them from the scene and provide them medical attention. If there is a dead body at the scene it may be the center of attention. The body is to be left at it was found. The main concern at this point is to be bid to identify the victim's body. Protecting the crime scene is simple. Most officers carry a caution tape or sign that reads, " Crime scene-do not cross." When this happens sometimes officers arriving at the scene can cause problems by ignoring the signs. "A Locard's principle of exchange is based forensic theory that objects that come in contract with each other always transfer material, however minute, to each other." After all has been taken care of the actual preliminary investigation can begin. Responsibilities during the preliminary investigation include questioning victims, witnesses and suspects. Conduct a neighborhood canvas, measure, photograph, videotape and sketch the scene. Searching for evidence, identify, collect, examine and process physical evidence. Information may be volunteered. "Res gestae statements are spontaneous statements made at the time of a crime concerning and closely related to actions involved in the crime. They are often considered more truthful than later, planned responses." At the end of investigation the most important priority is the safety of everyone. Along with that is to maintain the peace and control the situation. Being able to take control or take charge and catch the suspect of the crimes.
Friday, March 6, 2020
How to Improve YourEmployeesBusiness Writing Skills [Quick Tips]
How to Improve YourEmployeesBusiness Writing Skills [Quick Tips] How to improvebusiness writing skills is a vexing issue for many businesses. Employees'ability to write clearly and convert complex information into summarized, well-written business documents offers a huge competitive advantage. Although improving business writing skills seems like an easy thing to do, it really isn’t. Many senior executives and leaders struggle with large chunks of data and disparate information. They lack the ability to extract relevant information from mere noiseand convert it into a meaningful, result-oriented message. Employees spend too much time planning, writing, and proofreading business documents. Finaldocuments have too many errors. Sentences lacka logical transition of ideas. The end result is a poorly written document that reflects poorly on business andimpairs employee productivity. Complimentary Business Writing Review of Your Team's Writing hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '68b80d4a-2e12-4e12-a6e9-b258b38b08c3', {}); How to Improve Business Writing Skills Step One Before deciding on the approach to training, the first step is to accuratelyassess your employees’ business writing skills. This involves separating the substance or content of employee-written business documents from thesyntax or language. These two elements of business writing must be analyzed separately. Substance refers to the content and organization of ideas in the business document. It is the fundamental aspect that distinguishes a well-written report from a poor one. It refers to your employees’ ability to skim through volumes of data and prepare a summarized report with only relevant information. There are four useful indicators for measuring the substanceof writing: It should matchaudience awareness It should be customized, keeping in mind the readers and the target audience It should be logically categorized in appropriate headings, subheadings, and bullet points It should be logically sequenced with a proper flow of ideas and transition of thoughts Syntax refers to the language of the document. It includes grammatical errors, active and passive tenses used, tone, and sentence structure. Even employees with strong substantiveabilities can make syntax errors. Unlike substance, however, syntax is rather easy to evaluate and syntax errors are easy to fix. Syntax can be loosely measured with software tools: Microsoft’s Readability Index (Flesch Reading Ease Score Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, built into Word and Outlook) Microsoft Grammar Check (Built into Word and Outlook) Grammarly (Grammar-checking software) How to Improve Business Writing Skill Step Two Once you have assessed your employees’ writing skills, you will have accurate measurements about the business writing skills of your employees and organization. The next step is to train or mentor your employees to write better at work. There are threeapproaches to achieve this: Train your employees and mentor them on your own Hire a business writing expert to train and mentor Hire a business writing expert to train employees, and establish an internal mentoring program Internal Training Training your employees on your own is a lot of work and requires business writing experts on staff. Caution: Just because an employee is a strong writer doesn't mean they will be strong writing trainer. Writing training requires the ability to deconstruct a document and break down the rhetoric and syntax. If you are going to train internally, hire business writing experts with experience teaching business writing. You want teaching experience also, not just writing experience. Appoint these employeesas trainers and mentors for the rest of the organization. This should not be a secondary job responsibility. Hire an Expert Vendor This requires an investment of money, but you will be assured of results. Let's consider the cost implications for a typical work unit of 30 employees earning $60,000 per year, who write for 3.2 hours each day (40% of a 40-hour work week): Cost Calculations of Writing in this Work Unit: Employees' total annual salary expenses: $1,800,000.00 Percentage of employee time spent writing: 40.0% Annual employees' writing costs: $720,000.00 Total annual employee writing hours: 23,040 Studies we have conducted for the past 15years indicate a 30% reduction in writing timeafter our professional business writing training. What are the savings implications for these 30 employees, if they follow an efficient business writing process? Company Would Save: $216,000.00 Potential Annual $ Savings per Employee: $7,200.00 Estimated Writing Hours Saved Annually: 6,912 Weekly writing savings: $4,500.00 hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '8465dacc-17f6-47e6-ad2a-848060c15859', {}); Here are a few factors you need to consider when hiring an expert vendor: The credentials of the training organization - very important. Who developed or will lead the training? Credentials are very important! I saw a "business writing expert" promoting herself recently with the credentials of "Email Doctor." However, she had no writing or teaching credentials. She described her background as "Ten years accounting experience. I was the go-to writer in my office. I'm now a corporate-escapee living a happyfreelance life helping people write more clearly." Credentials and relevant experience matter. The structure of the training program The ability to customizethe training Willingness to provide ongoing support materials Flexible deliverylogistics Hire an Expert Vendor andEstablish and Internal Mentoring Program This builds beautifully on the training and mentoring doesn't require training skills. Essentially, managers need to communicate the strong business writing matters by: Modeling strong business writing. Employees always model their bosses, so be sure managers are modeling the business writing that communicates the company values and skills "What counts is what's counted." Be sure strong business writing skills are included in performance evaluations. Establish an informal document review meeting twice a year. As a team, view sample emails and reports and other key documents written by employees. Critique and improve these - being certain the tenor is support rather than punitive. To learn more abouthow to improve business writing skill for your employees, download the guideâ€Å"Four Steps to improve your Team’s Business Writing Skills.â€
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Foundations of finance Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Foundations of finance - Math Problem Example The above table shows the steps used to generate the best alternative. Six 200 sq. meter area alternatives were chosen. Next the required â€Å"borders†(2 meters, 1.5 meters, 1 meter) were respectively deducted from each side of the alternatives. Next, the perimeter of the lawn perimeter was generated. The alternative with the biggest perimeter is the correct answer. As expected, alternative B generated the biggest lawn perimeter fence. Alternative B shows the correct length, â€Å"L†, should be 100 meters. Likewise, alternative B shows the correct width,†W†, should be 2 meters. The above tables 2 and 3 show the computations for the cable lengths needed for both the 6 meter tower and the 15 meter tower. To reduce total cost, the above table 3 shows that as the junction box should be placed in the middle of the two towers (ten meters width for each of the two towers), total cost =  £ 15.60 million. When the junction box is moved 1 meter to the left (Alternative C), the total cost increases to  £19.36 million. When the junction box is moved 1 meter to the right (Alternative B), the total cost increases to  £19.38 million. Alternative E and F shows as width of either tower is pegged at 1 meter, the total cost reaches more than  £ 21.00 million. Based on the above table on the total cost of the different alternatives, alternative A generated the minimum (lowest) total cost,  £16.50 million. To reiterate, the junction box should be strategically placed in the middle of the two towers in order to generate the minimum (lowest) total cost. The steps taken arrive at the above answer is shown in the excel file. The math formula, C2 = A2 + B2, was used to arrive at the required cable length of each tower (Wheater, 2012). The â€Å"C†variable represents the cable length of each cable. The â€Å"A†variable represents each tower’s height. The â€Å"B†variable represents each tower’s width. After getting the cable length, the cost of
Monday, February 3, 2020
Reflection and Journal Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reflection and Journal Article Review - Essay Example Although one could appreciate the wonders and benefits these technological gadgets could accord the aged, the applicability of these technology solutions are mostly availed only in developed countries. These unique products are not globally accessed due to the prohibitive costs and the diversity in health care provided to the elderly according to cultural orientations. I was made aware of the crucial importance relegated by the older population in terms of maintaining independence despite their age. The statement that reveals that â€Å"seniors fear moving into a nursing home and losing their independence more than death†is astounding. The various products thought to provide the aged with independence is perceived as a way to replace a loved one or a family member who is supposed to provide the needed care. In eastern culture, older people are not sent to nursing homes but are retained in the nuclear household with a family member to attend to their holistic needs. The reason , apart from economic, is the cultural value for extended family ties and filial piety. The practice stems from Confucianism and has been defined as including â€Å"the responsibility of each person to respect their parents, obey them, take care of them as they age, advise parents, and of course to love them. Loving one’s parents and offering them respect is the spring from which other forms of filial piety flows. A relationship with parents must be centered on love and respect†(Conjecture, 2011, par. 2). Therefore, technology is not openly embraced to replace the love and care that would be accorded by family members in times of need of the elderly family member. Further, the issues that were presented as a consequence of greater reliance to technology, particularly the fact the seniors are always apprehensive to use or try out new products and systems, should be addressed. Otherwise, these unique products would be deemed useless if the target market, for which they are supposed to protect, secure and maintain in safe and in good health condition, would be compromised by inefficient and unsupportively erroneous application. The essence is the use of technology should not replace the delivery of health care services that only committed people could provide. Article Review from Peer Reviewed Journal Summary The article entitled written by Dr. Ronald Klatz and published in the Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging in 2002 presented issues of discovering anti-aging medicine in response to the projected continued increase of the aging population. The author presented the official definition of anti-aging medicine as â€Å"a medical specialty founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases†(Klatz, 2002, 1). The continued research on this field of endeavor was revealed to encompass five key areas, to wit: genetic engineering, cloning, nanotechnology, artificial organs, and nerve impulse continuity (Klatz, 2002, 2). The benefits are revealed to be pronounced and consistent with modern health care issues.\ Critique The article presents another technological breakthrough aimed to focus not only on according longevity in life span, but also in improving the quality of the elders’ lives. There were initial apprehensions on supporting this kind of medical and technological breakthrough in terms of determining the repercussions to health care in general. But as trends in the aging populat
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Comparative Analysis Of Eigrp And Ospf Routing Information Technology Essay
Comparative Analysis Of Eigrp And Ospf Routing Information Technology Essay In this running era of technology, the technology of communication is increasing day by day. The communication networks plays important role to send any information like file or printer sharing, video streaming and voice conferencing etc and these days internet is the best medium to share information remotely and allow people to communicate, collaborate and interact with each other. All this information is managed by communication networks in which Routing Protocols are used to transfer information or packets across internet. The Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created Routing Protocols by which network is control and able to communicate with each other around world. The main job of Router is to provide best path to packet from source to destination by using various metrics values leading to many different properties of path and then calculated the best path for packet to reach destination in network. The numbers of Routing Protocols are available to manage the network or to connect multiple networks. Internet Protocol (IP) is the most commonly known protocol among all of them and In this thesis two most widely used protocols of intra Domain Routing Protocols will be analysed, which are Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Routing Protocol where as EIGRP is a Cisco proprietary Interior Gateway routing protocol via Distance Vector Protocols and OSPF routing protocol is Link-State Interior Gateway Routing protocol and also consider important protocol for real time applications. C:UsersG MomiDesktopUG ProjectAsessmentsCISCO1841.jpg Fig1[14] C:UsersG MomiDesktopUG ProjectAsessmentsnetworking-router.jpgFig 2[15] Aims and Objectives All routing protocols have different performance in the network so its important to choose the right one for your network and this selection can be done on the basis of network scalibilty, convergence time and bandwidth requirements. In this Project EIGRP and OSPF Routing Protocols are chosen and the comparitive anaysis of these two protocols in real-time trafic will be take place in different senario and evaluating which protocol will give best route real-time trafic. Further in this project, different routing protocols will be discuss as their features and properties and theoritical and simulation analyse will be done with quantative metrics. The Cisco Proprietary EIGRP is based on Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) and its cost is calculated on the basis of delay and bandwidth [3] . on other hand OSPF routing protocol work on the bases of DIJKSTRA ALGORITHM or Shortest Path First (SPF) and the calculation of its cost is based on bandwidth [4]. These protocols uses different algorithm to route the trafic and this can be vary in convergence time and route proccessing delay according to their calculation so this can effect the network performance. To find out which protocol have better performance in large or small network, three different network models will be designed by EIGRP and OSPF routing protocols repectively by network simulator. 1.2 Project Methodology In this project two routing protocols EIGRP and OSPF will be analyse in by three methods:- A network model will be designed with EIGRP and simulation will be done in Cisco Packet Tracer and results will be observed. On the same designed network, OSPF will be impliment and performance will be recorded. And in the last same designed network will be impliment by both OSPF and EIGRP routing protocols to simulate the performance of real-time trafic. Routing Protocols Background Routing Protocols in IP networks are important to transfer data or any packet on time and responsible for sending packets to correct destination address and also these Routing Protocols are intelligent enough to select right information from relevant source and forwarding to destination node via one-hop or multi hop. Routing Protocols in router creates routing table by collecting information from the neighbour router which helps router to calculate the best path to forward the packet. All routing protocols are usually works on layer 3 (network layer). There are many classifications of Routing Protocols for example Static routing, dynamic routing and Link-State routing protocols further classes distance vector routing protocols, RIP, VSLM and CIDR, EIGRP and OSPF. Also these protocols help to build other network communication protocols for example wireless ad-hoc networks and mesh wireless networks and many other. The network in Internet is highly dynamic that is why its protocols are equally dynamic, among all Routing Protocols EIGRP and OSPF are two widely used protocols and both comes under dynamic routing protocols, in which EIGRP is based on Interior Gateway Routing Protocols and also EIGRP contains new features by which the market potential is expanded. OSPF is also Interior Gateway Routing protocol and works on Link-state and (SPF) Shortest Path First technology. Thanks to these routing protocol technology which increases and helped in improving the communication in such a perfect and correct way around the world. C:UsersG MomiDesktopUG ProjectAsessmentshomepage.jpgFig 3 [16] Overall Routing There are many routing protocols by which routers in different networks are able to communicate with each other with different properties. The following properties will provide overall view of Routing, what properties do router use and why. Desirable Properties of Routing Loop: While providing route for packet to reach destination, routing protocol are responsible to provide loop free route in network which results as low bandwidth used during process and can be used efficiently. Demand Based Operation: The demand based operation means that protocol should provide only the information when requested by node which helps to save the valuable resources used in network. Convergence: Convergence is basically occurrence of two or more things coming together, when ever link changes router automatically notice the change and process the update by calculating the new route and also forward the updated table. Convergence is totally depends on the routing protocols if convergence occurs in network it can result in bad route calculation or may drop the packet or time out. So the routing protocol should converge as fast as possible. Security: All protocols used in routing must ensure that the packets are transmitted with security to chosen destination. Multiple Routes: Routing protocols are responsible to provide multiple routes for the packets to reach its destination from its routing table when selected link by the routers fails or if there is any congestion on a particular route, this takes time to discover new route but by some selected routing protocols it is possible for router to do this job in seconds. Quality of Service: All Protocols doesnt support Quality of Service as fact there is no widely deployed QOS aware Routing Protocols. But some protocols do support the Quality of Service depending upon their intended network use, like in EIGRP bandwidth and delay are consider with static parameters and in OSPF only bandwidth is consider with static parameters. 2.2 Routing and Metrics 2.2.1 Metrics and its Purpose The cost of path in routing is based on the metrics parameters by metrics it is possible to compare or measure the path and all routing protocols select lowest metrics value among all values to determine the best path for routers. All Routing Protocols have their own metric calculation to decide the best bath. At a stage where routing protocol learn multiple path to reach remote networks or same destination and confused to select the right one, then lowest metrics value is used by routing protocols to choose the best path after calculating and comparing the cost of each path learned by routing protocols. Each protocol has its own way to calculate metrics and compare its value as mentioned before EIGRP works on the combination of delay, load, bandwidth and reliability and OSPF uses only bandwidth and as different for other routing protocols. 2.2.2 Metrics Parameters of Routing Protocol The metrics calculation of different routing protocols may results to select different path to same destination this is because different metrics values are used by different protocols. The following metrics are usually used in IP routing protocols:- Hop Count: some protocols count numbers of routers means hops through the packet will traverse to reach the destination like in RIP packets are traverse on the path with least number of hops. Bandwidth: After calculating the metrics if value is chosen bandwidth then path selected with highest bandwidth is preferable. Load: Some protocols select their path according to the load on the link, the lowest load on link is consider the best path to reach destination. Reliability: when reliability is chosen as metrics then path with highest reliability is selected, in this process reliability is calculated by the probability of the link failure in which can be calculated as from the previous recorded link failure or counting interface errors. Cost: cost can be defined as a metrics or a policy combined with metrics because cost is basically a value which is set by administrator or IOS (Internet Operating System) to select best path. 2.3 Classification of Routing Protocols Routing Protocols can be classified as:- Static and Dynamic Routing Protocols Distance Vector (DV) and Link-State Routing Protocols (LSR) Classful and classless Routing Protocols 2.3.1 Static and Dynamic Routing Protocols Static routing is basically used in small networks as its performance is bad because routing table constructed manually in static routing and routes are also fixed at boot time of router so that is why whenever new network is added or deleted within Autonomous System (AM) network administrator have to update it manually. Therefore it has good advantage in small network in which system administrator have full control of the network but on large networks this technology fails because it is hard to manage rapid changes in network topology and configure all routes manually. On the other hand Dynamic Routing Protocols routing is more widely used in large networks because in this routing table is created automatically and updated by message exchanging with adjacent routers, which means each router in the network have information about all other routers in the network and whenever any router is added or deleted the routing table is updated by different update methods like periodic update and trigger updates. The best route in dynamic routing protocol is based on their individual metrics and rules. Not only this there are many other reason of choosing Dynamic Routing instead of Static and for Dynamic Routing, route instability and creating routing loops are only the drawbacks which may cause. The most known Dynamic protocols are:- RIP A Distance Vector Interior Routing Protocol IGRP The Distance Vector Interior Routing Protocol by Cisco OSPF A Link-State Interior Routing Protocol IS-IS A Link-State Interior Routing Protocol EIGRP The Advanced Distance Vector Interior Routing Protocol by Cisco BGP A Path Vector Exterior Routing Protocol. 2.3.2 Distance Vector Routing Protocols Distance Vector Routing determines the best path by calculating the distance to reach the destination, as the name indicates Distance means the how far is destination by hop count metrics and Vector of distance represents term of next hop router or exit interface. Distance Vector Routing Protocols works on the basis of Bellman-Ford algorithm in which routing table is created and updated periodically by broadcasting the entire routing table to each of its neighbour. In Distance Vector each router maintains a distance vector for each destination which contains the information of next hop, destination ID and the shortest distance. This Protocols works on periodic advertisement of the shortest path by each router for example router sends its Distance Vector to its neighbours periodically containing the information of shortest path then the router in neighbour receives the information and updates its routing table and send the updated table periodically to its own neighbour and this process is continue works on the entire network in the time range of 10-90 seconds as depend on different Distance Vector Routing Protocols. In these protocols the router does not have the information of the entire path to the destination router. Router only counts the number of hops and has only the information of the direction and the interface from where the packet can be forwarded. Different metrics are used to update the information by distance vector protocols like in EIGRP the diffusion algorithm is used to select the cost of path to reach the destination. Advantage and Disadvantage of Distance Vector Routing The main advantages of Distance Vector Routing are as follows:- Simple and easy to understand as they work on the basis of router advertising processes but these protocols are efficient in smaller networks Distance Vector Routing Protocols are very easy to configure as just need to enable it on router interface and also they are very easy to manage. Main Disadvantages:- Large Routing tables in large networks, results as bad performance because thousands entries in routing table. Creating loops and slow convergence Problems with Scalability and not good in hierarchical routing Although by split horizon rule and triggered updates, Distance Routing Protocols are boosted as result convergence speed is increased. 2.3.3 Link-State Routing Protocols Link-State Routing (LSR) Protocols are those dynamic routing protocols which works DIJKSTRAS Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm that is why this protocol is also known as Shortest Path First Protocol. The router configured with LSR protocol will always chose the shortest path to reach the destination in network. In Link-State routing protocols the information is stored in database called Link-State database and this routing information is exchange among all routers in network through Link-State Advertisements (LSA). If there is any link added or changed in the network topology then LSAs is flooded to all the neighbour nodes by which routing table are updated information is stored in their own database which describes the topology of the network. The database in these protocols contains the information cost of the each link in the network and this cost is calculated by algorithm called DIJKSTRAS algorithm and the cost of each link can also be set by administrator. After all Link-State routing protocols have excellent flexibility but more complex as compare to Distance Vector and LSR protocols have less broadcast traffic. The most known LSR Protocols are Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) and Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS). Advantage and Disadvantage of Link-State Routing Each router in Link-State Routing Protocol calculate the route independently, the main advantages are as follow: LSR have small Routing table which makes it react fast whenever their is change in network. LSR also have low network overhead and the size of the packet sent in network is very small. Drawbacks of Link-State Routing: Configuration is difficult which results use of large memory space. More complex as compare to Distance Vector. 2.3.4 Classful and Classless Routing Protocols Depending on the subnet mask the routing protocols can be separated as Classful and Classless routing. Classful: The Classful routing contains the same subnet mask in the network topology and the Classful routing protocols never send any information regarding subnet mask in their routing updates. The router does not belong to same network then Classful subnet mask will be applied to the route. Classful routing protocols are not widely used because they doesnt support VSLM (Variable Length Subnet Masks) and also they cannot support discontinuous networks. Classless: Classless routing protocols are just opposite to Classful as in this the subnet mask varies in the network topology and also subnet mask and network address both are included in routing updates. EIGRP and OSPF are also belongs to classless routing protocols. 3.0 Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) . EIGRP is Cisco proprietary protocol and this is enhanced version of Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) [7], EIGRP was developed in 1992 and now days this protocols is being consider as more scalable for both large and medium networks. Diffusion Update Algorithm (DUAL) is used in EIGRP for calculating the routes to destination and also EIGRP has both properties of Link-State and Distance Vector Routing Protocols as it creates neighbour relationships and advertises the routes in network topology that is why it also called as Hybrid Protocol. 3.1 EIGRP Components EIGRP rely on the following four components:- 3.1.1 Diffusion Update Algorithm (DUAL) EIGRP uses DUAL by which loops are avoided in network and this mechanism is process by following concepts of DUAL:- Successor Successor means the first router or the first hop across network which provides the least-cost path to the destination. Feasible Distance The lowest cost required to reach the destination is basically known as Feasible Distance. Reported Distance The cost of router to reach a destination in a network is known by reported distance Feasible Successor Feasible Successor provides the loop free backup path to the destination, basically Feasible Successor if neighbour router in network. Feasible Condition This is totally depend on the value reported distance and feasible distance to select the Feasible Successor, means the value of advertised Reported Distance by router to destination should be less than feasible destination to the same distance. 3.1.2 Neighbour Discovery and Recovery This method allows routers to update their table dynamically with the information of other directly connected routers to the network and this information is exchange between routers with very low overhead as sending HELLO packets periodically throughout the network, router verify the connection with neighbour router by receiving HELLO packets from it. Usually these HELLO packets are sent periodically after every 5 seconds in high speed networks and with these HELLO packets advertise a HOLD time each time when they are sent by a router to make sure the connection is alive by receiving HELLO packets back. In EIGRP the default hold time is 15 seconds. By exchanging these HELLO packets advertisements between each other in the network, router updates their outing table, if the any router doesnt receive HELLO packets in between the HOLD time of EIGRP then the neighbour router will be discarded from the routing table. 3.1.3 Reliable Transport Protocol This protocol is used by EIGRP for guaranteed and ordered delivery of EIGRP packets to all the neighbour routers in the network and also Reliable Transport Protocol supports intermix transmission of unicast or multicast packets. EIGRP packets are different; some of the packets are reliably transmitted as required and some do not need any reliability for transmission although reliability is provided whenever there is need. 3.1.4 Protocol Dependent Module To support different network layer protocols, EIGRP uses PDM (Protocol Dependent Module) like Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) and Apple Talk. http://fengnet.com/book/CCIE%20Professional%20Development%20Routing%20TCPIP%20Volume%20I/images/07fig04.jpgFig 4 [Online Available] 3.4 Advantages and Disadvantages in EIGRP The main advantage of EIGRP routing protocol are:- Loop free routes are providing by EIGRP routing protocol. The configuration of EIGRP is very easy as compare to OSPF. Low convergence time EIGRP can work with VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask) Routing update authentication is also supported by EIGRP Disadvantages; The main disadvantage is EIGRP is Cisco Proprietary so can be use only on Cisco products. Routers from other vendors are not able to utilize EIGRP. 4.0 Open Shortest Path First OSPF is Link-State Interior Gateway Routing Protocol and it can use by other product as well because it is not Cisco Proprietary. OSPF works with single Autonomous system and distribute the information across the network. In OSPF the cost of interface is calculated by bandwidth and this cost is inversely proportional to bandwidth, Lower cost requires higher bandwidth [3]. As mentioned before OSPF routing protocols always select the lowest cost path to all available destinations with the help of DIJKSTRA Algorithm calculation. 4.1 Protocol Structure The following information is included in OSPF protocol structure [2] Version: indicates the current version of OSPF. Type: indicates five types of packets which are HELLO Packets, Database Description (DBD), Link-State Request (LSR), Link-State Update (LSU) and Link-State Acknowledgement (LSAck). Packet Length Router ID Area ID Checksum Au Type Authentication. 5. Related Works and Research There are many comparative analysis of EIGRP, OSPF and other related routing protocols have been proposed and still research is going on some of them are given below. Performance comparisons between OSPF and EIGRP in tactical IP networks. [18] Dynamic Routing Protocol Implementation Decision between EIGRP, OSPF and RIP Based on Technical Background Using OPNET Modeler. [19] Dynamic routing protocol performance in a fault- tolerant Ethernet-based IP network. [20] And many more other research related to this topic but there are very few comparison and analysis of OSPF and EIGRP routing protocols for real-time traffic. In this project comparative analysis of two most popular routing protocols EIGRP and OSPF will be done in Cisco packet Tracer with different scenarios in terms of metrics performance. Further detailed information will be included as theoretically of all related routing protocols. Conclusion This contextual report was presented as the part of BSc Computer Networking final year project on Routing Protocols to provide the overview of the project information and literature research and also as Project Initiation Document, in this report the purpose of the project is clearly mentioned and further artefact will be designed and implement later with more detailed information as scheduled.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Chlorine and Magnesium Lab Introduction
iLab, Week # 3 ATOMIC WEIGHT OF MAGNESIUM LAB Introduction The purpose of this lab experiment is to determine the atomic weight of magnesium by measuring the amount of hydrogen gas evolved when hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium. The reaction is as followed: Mg + 2HCL ? H2 + Mg2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) In this experiment there is a one to one relationship between the number of moles of hydrogen gas evolved and the moles of magnesium metal consumed in the reaction.Therefore in the finding of the experiment moles of H2 evolved is equal to the moles of Mg consumed, and atomic weight of Mg is equal to the weight of Mg consumed per moles of H2 evolved. Procedure 1st. Obtain a 600ml beaker, add 300ml of water 2nd. add 30ml of HCl (2M) to the beaker and stir 3rd. add 10mg of Magnesium metal to the beaker 4th. Allow hydrogen gas to evolve, all of the magnesium should be consumed. 6th. Record the amount of hydrogen gas evolved using the chemical property dialog. Observations and Results Moles of hydrogen evolved: 0. 000829g (8. 29 x 10-4)/ 0. 000411 moles, (4. 1 x 10-4) Calculated atomic weight of magnesium: ______________ Atomic weight of Mg = weight of Magnesium/moles of H2 Moles of H2 evolved = moles of Mg consumed Atomic weight of Mg= /0. 000411moles During my observation I noticed that when 10mg of magnesium metal was added to the beaker a shaded area appeared on the bottom of the beaker. When the bubbles stopped and the shaded area in the beaker disappeared it showed that the magnesium has been consumed. Discussion Conclusion < Within a few sentences, provide a concluding statement about the results of your laboratory>
Friday, January 10, 2020
Americans and Voting Essay
There is value in having and exercising the right to vote. Americans today have developed a mindset that their vote does not make a difference, and that voicing out their opinions is a waste of time. This is not the case, however, as the rights that Americans are neglecting are the same rights that our ancestors have fought for during the enforcement of the Fifteenth Amendment. The laws that affect the average individuals, the influences of various platformed parties, and the importance of voting in society exemplifies why Americans should value their right to vote. Many laws affect the American’s rights to vote as an individual. For instance, the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution states that it grants Americans the right to vote, furthermore stating that the â€Å"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.†This declares, simply and literally, that there is no discrimination in voicing out one’s opinion, no matter what the race, color, or previous condition of servitude. African Americans of the 1960’s suffered greatly from injustice and racism, thus, abolishing the discrimination within voting is extremely important and healthy for our society today. Another example is the Voting Rights Act, as it â€Å"banned the use of literacy tests, provided for federal oversight of voter registration in areas where less than 50 percent of the nonwhite population had not registered to vote, and authorized the U.S. attorney general to investigate the use of poll taxes in state and local elections†(www.history.com). Along with the abolishment of direct discrimination of race, is the abolishment of indirect discrimination, such as literacy tests. The purpose of this Act is to intentionally block all types of discrimination as well as prejudice in the area of voting. Society should voice out their opinions through voting, because there are laws that protect one so they do not face injustice. Influences of various plat formed parties affect the outcomes of lawmaking bodies. An example of this would be the Democratic Party. The party has a mindset that the economy of America should be â€Å"built not from the top down, but from a growing m iddle class, and that provides ladders of opportunity for those working hard to join the middle class†(assets.dstatic.org). This means that the Democratic Party aims for a country that is focused on developing the middle and lower class. A president running with a Democratic perspective can easily win the votes of the Democratic Party. Likewise, the Republican Party is based on their aim to â€Å"grow the economy . . . from the top down†(assets.dstatic.org). The party has a goal that bases off of the idea that building a strong foundation of the top class will make the country better. Of course, â€Å"[voting] does not guarantee that one’s preferences will prevail, but choosing not to vote denies a person one of the key tools of having a say in a democracy†(congresslink.org). Once may not get the president he or she elected for, or the laws they wanted passed, but the Republican and Democratic Parties all have one mindset: ‘Make America a better country.†Therefore, nothing can go wrong with voting. Voting is a privilege that everyone should exercise because there is no wrong decision; everything is mean for the good of the country. America is run based on a democracy. This means th at our government highly considers our beliefs and opinions, and that the future political impacts on our country are going to be in the hands of the citizens who choose to take advantage of their right to vote. This expresses the importance of voting, because when we vote, we don’t just simply choose what president we are going to have; we are electing the person that decides how the government is run, the management of wars within our country, and how resources are used. Furthermore, in a country where there is a large population, it is difficult for an individual to have their voice heard. Therefore, society should consider, once again, their rights to vote because â€Å"casting a vote is the most widely understood and discreetly effective way to have one’s voice heard in American politics†(www.law.seattle.edu). Voting gives on the ability to voice their own outlooks on politics, in a society within a large population. Our voice, our opinions, our vote is important and valued in society. Americans should vote so that these rights and powers do not go to waste. Society today neglects and refuses to voice out their outlooks on politics, which was once a right that American ancestors have fought for. It is valuable to have and exercise the right to vote because there are laws that protect one from discrimination, it is a choice made that benefits the country no matter what the outcome, and lastly, it is the easiest, most effective, and most important way to have one’s voice heard in society. An individual’s vote is important, and it certainly is not a waste of time. Thus, Americans should exercise their rights as a citizen of a democratic country, and vote.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Hip Hop A Cultural Movement And Popular Genre Of Music...
Introduction â€Å"I want kids of this generation to see that everything is cool, that there s some kind of unity in hip-hop. We all found something that s really important to us, and music is all we ve really got†– Missy Elliot. Hip-Hop is a cultural movement and popular genre of music that emerged during the early 1970 s by working class Black youths in New York City. The cultural movement has rapidly expanded across different countries and ethnicities over the years, becoming one of the few markers that define a generation. Hip-Hop can be seen as â€Å"the fundamental matrix of self-expression for this whole generation†(Katz Smith, 1993). Through music, itself, artists can express their feelings towards different events or social changes that they’ve see or have experienced in their lives. According to Frith (1986), this perspective towards writing music is similar to Mooney’s argument that popular song lyrics is a reflection of what’s missing or ne eded at their time, giving us a trace of America’s ‘mood’ throughout history. In return, music artists captivate the minds of people among various backgrounds who use these relatable music lyrics as a source of empowerment or as an expression of their own thoughts. While some music artists create music to uplift their audience by giving them a sense of freedom, other artists create music that separates their audience by dehumanizing one group and giving power to the other. Throughout history, there have been severalShow MoreRelatedHip-hop was a cultural movement. It emerged in the early 1970s from the South Bronx. Hip-hop came1300 Words  | 6 PagesHip-hop was a cultural movement. It emerged in the early 1970s from the South Bronx. Hip-hop came from the â€Å"ghetto†and it became a cultural force of social protest and creativity. But from the 1990s and onward hip-hop changed from a cultural creative production to one of mass consumption. Hip-hop began to grow and through mass marketing targeting larger and whiter audiences hip-hop evolved in to relying on the images of crime and sex. Hip-hop has changed from a tool of social change to cars, womenRead MoreEssay on The Globalization of Hip Hop Music1498 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to Wikipedia, Hip-hop music, also called rap music, is a musical genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted. It developed as p art of hip hop culture, a subculture defined by four key stylistic elements: MCing/rapping, DJing/scratching, breaking/dancing, and graffiti writing. Hip hop is also characterized by these other elements: sampling (or synthesis), and beatboxing. Hip hop music developed from partyRead MoreHip Hop Rap Music And Subculture1643 Words  | 7 Pages Hip-hop Rap Music and Subculture The topic I have chosen for this review is the association between a particular music genre and a subculture. In particular, the issue of focus is the association of the hip-hop rap genre with the black youth subculture in America. As a youth subculture, hip-hop emerged in the 1970s from New York City’s borough of the Bronx. The African American community was the root of the music genre, which gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. As part of its growthRead MoreThe Origination Of Hip Hop1237 Words  | 5 PagesThe Origination of Hip Hop Laresia Parks English III, Period 05 2 December 2015 Hip hop finds its ethnic origins in Jamaican music and DJs in the seventies who used two turntables to create longer drum breaks in records for dance parties giving rise to â€Å"break dancing†and â€Å"break dancers†now known as b-boys and b-girls (A Closer Look At a New Hip Hop Movement). DJs and MCs popularized the technique of speaking over beats and the culture expanded to include street dance and graffiti art. EmbracedRead More Music - The Hip-hop Movement Essay1650 Words  | 7 PagesMusic - The Hip-hop Movement Hip-hop has become a new cultural phenomenon in North America and has become quite popular all over the world. Hip-hop began in the 1970s in New York City where it has its origins in the African-American community. However, because of music videos, Hip-hop culture has become accessible to everyone in society and has merged into mainstream pop culture. Hip-hop culture may not have been as popular if it was not for the accessibility of this new media. The Hip-hopRead MoreHip Hop Essay955 Words  | 4 PagesIn the last three decades, Hip Hop music has evolved into one of the largest youth influencers. Uplifting the youth, Hip Hop provides a voice to a group of people trying to deliver a message. Whether it is politcally, culturally, racially, or socially, the music speaks for people with a variety of beliefs and passions. Hip Hop and Rap music espands people’s horizons, and promotes the idea of equality between interacial communities. The Hip-Hop music movements emergence can be traced back to theRead MoreHistory Of Hip Hop And Rap Essay1411 Words  | 6 PagesShields English IV 22 September 2015 The History of Hip-Hop and Rap The controversy of Hip-Hop and Rap being that it is â€Å"only about violence†or â€Å"uninfluential†is one that has been around since the eighties. But is it really all about violence, sex, drugs, or protest? Yes, there are rap groups that only rap about violence, sex, drugs, or protest, but that is a genre called â€Å"trap†music. When mentioning of the original artists in the trap music genre, rappers such as Waka Flocka Flame, Gucci Mane, YoungRead MoreThe Music Of Hip Hop Essay1420 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the ages, genres such as Rock and Roll, Pop, RB, and Funk ruled the music spectrum. Before the flow of an emcee rocked the crowd with his/her rhythmic flow, a significant day in music history would soon influence the music industry, cultures, fashion, and make this new genre into a global phenomenon. This significant day was marked on August 13, 1973, or also known as the birthday of Hip-Hop. While Hip-Hop can be commonly be associated with bei ng an emcee/rapper, the art of emceeingRead MoreHip Hop And Rap Music1505 Words  | 7 PagesSwiss Hip Hop and Rap According to Michael Dyson and Wikipedia, Hip hop music and Hip Hop culture formed during the 1970s when block parties became increasingly popular in New York City. The genre became home to and was developed by African American youth residing in the Bronx. Block parties involved DJs playing very percussive breaks of popular songs Then Rapping developed as the primary vocal style of the genre. Hip hop s early evolution occurred as sampling technology and drum-machines becameRead MoreTaking a Look at Hip Hop1272 Words  | 5 Pagesgot where it started So we all gather here for the dearly departed†(NAS, Hip hop is dead), Since the 1920s, America has been the setting for a progressive Black Arts Movement. This African-American cultural movement has taken shape in various genres, gaining mass appeal, this cultural arts movement has stayed set upon its original purpose and direction, by aiding in cultural identity awareness. Hip Hop is a genre of music that has really grown the l ast couple of decades. Its increased popularity
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