Monday, September 30, 2019
Pros and cons Essay
Reality shows is a genre of television show that screens unscripted dramatic or funny situations, reenacting true stories. These shows are usually acted out by normal people instead of professional actors. Hence, this essay will explain the pros and cons of reality shows and why they are so popular. Firstly, reality shows are really fascinating. By watching how the actors speak and behave in unexpected situations, the audience would be able to reiterate them and get out of awkward situations. For instance, watching a reality show that screens a typical life of a lazy student. When a student is unable to hand in his assignment, he can say that he was suffering from a bad headache and promise to hand in the next morning. Secondly, reality shows displays freedom and free speech. As reality shows basically reflects our actions in our daily lives. This will help the viewers to gain the confidence in voicing out their opinions. In other words, democracy can be seen in this situation. Whereby, the people have an equal opportunity to express their opinion on the laws and the actions of their country. Thus, reality shows are popular as it helps to bring out the voices of the people. However, there are also cons to reality shows. From the young to adults and from schools to workplaces, people are discussing about the reality shows they have watched. The reality shows have become a common topic for the people that seperates the different topic for different age range. From this, disadvantages can be observed because this causes a line to be drawn between the young and the adult. Parents and children will not be able to communicate properly and conflicts may rise. Children will think that their parents do not understand them and thus growing apart from each other, affecting their relationship. Lastly, reality shows normally target the adolescence. As part of the media strategy, the reality shows timings are set at night and will affect the student’s studies greatly. Instead of studying at home, the students will watch the television programmes. As a result, not only affecting their study grades but also affect their future career prospects. In conclusion, reality shows are popular as it helps the audience to escape awkward situations by reiterating the actors words and also help to build up confidence in individuals. Though there are bad effects of reality shows, for example, students not studying and instead watching the programmes. This shows why reality shows are so popular. Lol okay sorry Jinbo. I think this essay very crappy x_x you’d probably have vomited like 2 or 3 buckets of blood by the time you reach the end of the composition. My bad 😠¡
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Appropriateness and Applicability of Behaviorism to Human Relations
The theoretical conceptualities of behaviorism cover the prime angle of behavioral perspective in aim of explaining the motives of action, rationale of attitude, and prime associates of human dimensions. The school of behaviorism covers the therapeutic interventions guided by objective and empirical approach. The concepts of behaviorism envelopes the diverse and dynamic character of human behavior that aims to discover possible patterns and links that may further organize human actions.Various theoretical frameworks that govern the behavioral concept have provided an approach to explain human actions. The theories that have aroused in this firm are Pavlov's classical conditioning, Watson's learned neuroses, and B. F. Skinner's operant conditioning, which are the skeletal backbone of behavioral perspective. With further application of the said conceptual pattern, noted limitations have also been observed. Behavior involves gradual statutory progression, which can be learned and unlear ned through suggested behavioral patterns.By learning these behavioral cues, one may possess the capabilities of predicting the probable angles of action that enhances human relations. According to the theoretical framework of Ivan Pavlov, creatures including humans possess the capacity to form their behavioral pattern through reconditioning, which popularly known as the framework of classical conditioning. Pavlov has started his experiment on the behavioral paradigm, which clearly involves animal subjects and their cravings for their needs.Nature justifies that creatures possess their necessities in order to maintain living, while classical conditioning proves that certain stimuli are triggered in response to these needs, and possess modifiability that depends on the dynamic nature. Another theoretical framework proposed is John Watson’s neuroses and behavioral modifications. Watson proposed that the possibility to induce phobias, fears and overall neuroses are even possible to the extent that it can be applied to an 11-month old infant. Furthermore, Watson has theorized that these behaviors can be further modified back into the negation or absence of the formed neuroses.The conceptual model of Watson has provided distinct explanations among maladaptive behavior that may have been present to various people. As according to the theory, these behaviors are formed due to the instillation of psychological damage presented at age of vulnerability. Lastly, the most popularly utilized conceptual pattern involves the maximum use of operant conditioning, which holds that human beings are blank slates that obtain behavioral patterns through learning experiences. Behavior theory maintains that human actions are initiated and developed through learning experiences.The major premise of behavior theory is that individuals change their behavior depending on the reactions it obtains from others: Behavior is supported by rewards and extinguished by negative consequence s or responses. The condition of the learned behavior is strengthened by reward and avoidance of punishment or weakened by lack of reward and aversive stimuli. Whether a given behavior pattern persists depends on the differential reinforcement – the rewards and punishments attached to that behavior and the rewards and punishments attached to alternative behavior.By the conceptual patterns of behaviorism school, the possibility of improving human relations could be present. As humans interact with each other, they utilize variant types of actions and attitudes that are primarily lead by their won behavioral aspect. Taking an example in the view of behavioral deviances, the conditioning of such deviant promotion modifies the personality of the person. These experiences include personally observing other individuals behaving erratically and aggressively to obtain some goal or watching people being rewarded for violent actions on television, movies or other media sources.People l earn to act aggressively when, as children, they model their behavior after the violent acts of adults. Later in life, these violent behavior patterns persist in social relationships. One example is a boy who sees his father repeatedly striking his mother with impunity is likely to become a battering parent and husband. As for human relations, the conditioning of behavior provides development of understanding on how people act and behave, which is essential especially in consideration of probable positive and negative actions.Taking behavioral perspective in account, the possibility of predicting the rationale for action, comprehension of reasons for action, and understanding of the personality of the person are all possible; hence, reducing chances of conflicts, and probable improvements of behavior through modification and conditioning. However, such theories propose limitations especially in the perspective of every individual’s unique character; since, cultural, upbringin g, and social environment varies among individuals. Human relation needs to consider as well other factors that influence behavior, such as physical, emotional, social, and cultural dimension.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Annotated Bibliography Example Examples include â€Å"Do men and women read alike? Do feminist critics know the female author or her point of view? Does plot have anything to do with being a man or woman? Do feminist have an opinion on the relationship between political and literature points of view. One of the first books to really breakdown African American literature and literary theory, this is a must read. Examples of prominent African American writers like Henry Lois Gates Jr. are interwoven with descriptions and study guides on how to better understand African American writers. African American can write about their experiences in a way that can be understood by all cultures. The value of these opinions and views are priceless. This is a good guide for every race or gender. Censorship is a part of literature. Since most Americans live in an uncensored society, censorship is a foreign concept. This book drags the curtain back revealing another side of Apartheid. Censorship helped keep the Apartheid in place. Since the white minority censored generations of African Americans writers, the stifling of this creativity had lasting effects. Not only were these authors censored, so were all of the resistant writers. The criticism of the Apartheid government was limited to sources outside of South America. This book examines the consequences of the censorship in Apartheid South Africa. It is a must read for all individuals concerned about censorship. Many books have been written on Ancient Egypt, but little has been said about Ancient Egyptian women. Gay Robins has reexamined ancient artifacts of Egypt to tell the Egyptian woman’s perspective. This colorfully illustrated book tells of how rich, middle class, and poor women lived in Ancient Egypt. From slaves to royalty, a new look at women from Ancient Egypt brings up interesting facts and interpretations. Literature, art, and other artifacts are examined by Robins.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Crimonology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Crimonology - Essay Example With the introduction of prisoner rehabilitation series, correctional officers’ roles changed to incorporate rehabilitation. The correctional officers were also required to maintain a social distance with the inmates and to use the discretionary rule enforcement. The correctional officer was no longer adequate as a guard, and their role was to ensure that inmates were transformed and equipped with skills necessary to help build the society. The management role of a correctional facility has also changed significantly. Previously, the administration would have appointed anyone to the position of a correctional officer. Training requirements were minimal or nonexistence (Law). The management role involved ensuring that the prisoners were locked away, and their rights were not significant. Currently, in the correctional facilities, the management has to place measures to ensure that programs are offered to produce a positive effect on the prisoners. The correctional facilities are required to work as proactive learning facilities, and outcomes are evaluated. The role of managing a correctional facility has also changed to include the training and education of correctional officers (Law). The management has to ensure that inmates’ rights are honored, and rehabilitation opportunities awarded fairly in regard to age, gender, and race. Law. "Prisons: Correctional Officers - Changes in The Correctional Officer Role." - Inmate, Inmates, Rehabilitation, and Custody. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2015.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Vioxx disaster and BP Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Vioxx disaster and BP - Case Study Example Some public management theories were overlooked such as scientific selection and training of workers. This concept entails scientific training, selection and placement of workers (Hopkins, 2008). It is proper to allocate employees on jobs they are best suited as far as intellectual and physical abilities are concerned. Incompetency contributed to both disasters, for example, medical researchers involved in the manufacturing of Vioxx failed to meet all the scientific/intellectual demands for safe production (Ellsberg & Gerstein, 2008). Mutual collaboration of workers and management is another important concept that could help avoid such disasters. Cordial relations and active cooperation between workers and management enhances communication at the workplace. Disconnect between workers and management primarily caused the BP tragedy and six workers were dismissed upon accusations from officials of negligence and failing to sound an evacuation alarm. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, Vioxx, into the United States’ market in 1999. The Vioxx disaster occurred between 1999 and 2004. More than one hundred million prescriptions were made in the United States of America alone and it caused enormous deaths and injuries (Abraham & Davis, 2013). It was established that the drug (painkiller) caused stroke and cardiovascular complications. Merck & Company, which was responsible for manufacturing the drug was accused of misleading patients and doctors about the drug’s safety; fabricating research results to suit the company’s interests and thwarting an FDA’s agent from revealing the complexities associated with the drug – it skirted federal drug regulations (Hopkins, 2008). Before its withdrawal from the market, in 2004, more that 25 million Americans who used the drug and it had caused over 38,000 deaths (Ellsberg & Gerstein, 2008). Texas City BP explosion occurred in 2005. It had resulted in 15 deaths
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The helping process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The helping process - Essay Example Assessment is the basic step in the development of a helping process. It involves a comprehensive evaluation of the situation to identify the problem and give insights of the possible remedy (Poulin, 2010. Moreover, the professionals get the overview of the skills and capability of the people in need of help. Therefore, I can be observed that assessment stage lays the foundation for the helping process development. However, some ethical considerations must be followed when conducting the assessment process. For instance, the people involved in the assessment exercise should be informed fully about the practice to eliminate ignorance. In addition, the rights of individuals, as provided for in the constitution, must be followed appropriately.PlanningThis phase focuses on putting the necessary structures and strategies in place to facilitate a smooth process of helping those in need. In essence, the planning stage facilitates the collection of the required resources to enhance a success ful process. During the planning stage, the people to be helped are prepared for the projected activities to improve their efficiency. Barsky (2010) states that the planning stage must follow certain ethical principles to ensure that social and constitutional rights of individuals are not infringed. For instance, the professionals organizing the helping process should ensure that the budgeted expenses are with the reach of institutions responsible for implementing the new developments.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Communication in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Communication in Organizations - Essay Example Communications channels within an organization must successfully function so as to contribute positively on the development of the organization (Jhonson, n.d). In this article we try and focus on the effectiveness of communication networks in the presence of multiplicity of workforce in the organization. In organizations it often happens that authorities fail to ensure that subordinates tell each other what they wish or need to know, which leads to miscommunications and disruptions. Although authorities can give instructions for the formation of a smooth and clear pathway of communication, they cannot dictate anything on this issue. A well-run management can always influence the process of communication within the organization. They can act as complementary link to the communication chain and help in passing on of the information. John Connor says, "There is no more valuable asset in business life than the ability to express ones thoughts with clarity and precision." (Communicating w ithin the organization, n.d). With the inset of globalization, most of the organizations are looking forward to make a mark in the global market. To understand and meet the needs of the global market it is very important for an organization to incorporate and encourage diversity among the workforce. â€Å"A diverse collection of skills and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding) allows a company to provide service to customers on a global basis†(Greenberg n.d). Diversity brings in the problem of communication due to different languages, cultures and ideas of the workforce. Communication is very important at the organizational level to maintain smooth functioning of the organization. The companies willing to prosper have to incorporate the policy of diversity in the employees and to maintain smooth functioning of the day-to-day
Monday, September 23, 2019
A self assessment on intercultural negotiating skills Essay - 3
A self assessment on intercultural negotiating skills - Essay Example This paper will discuss the qualities of a good intercultural Negotiator. It will then discuss on the experiences learned in a class negotiation simulation. Finally the paper will review the different aspects of communication strategies employed in the negotiation. In order for one to meet their goals as an intercultural negotiator, it is essential for them to possess the characteristics of a good intercultural negotiator. Firstly a good intercultural negotiator is observant. This means that they take time watch how other people communicate with each other where they note the differences between them. Secondly a good intercultural negotiator should know that different people communicate in different ways and should never assume that messages from different cultures should be interpreted in the same way. Thirdly one should be always positive when dealing with people from different cultures. This means that one should avoid miscommunication which is brought about by misconceptions about the persons intentions. A good Negotiator should also ask questions freely especially where they feel they have not understood. For instance one should ask for clarification on issues, gestures, and ideas to avoid miscommunication. One should also have good communication skills where they are able to express themselves freely by clearly explaining their communication. A good intercultural Negotiator should be polite. This means that when one is seeking any clarification or asking a question, they should do it in a respectable and polite manner in order to ensure the other participants ate not offended. Finally, a good intercultural Negotiator should be persistent meaning that they should not give up easily if they do not understand what is being communicated. One should be patient enough and allow the other person(s) to communicate in their own time. During the class negotiation simulation I got to practice the theories that we have
Sunday, September 22, 2019
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Marks and Spencer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Marks and Spencer - Essay Example These principles revolve around the responsibilities of firm towards their stakeholders, customers and employee. With these principles different suggestions are provided, discussing that what extra should be included by the Hermes in its Principles. The paper ends with a brief description on conclusion. Marks and Spencer is the famous British retail chain with 760 stores working in more than 30 countries. This retail chain is the most iconic and recognized chain in the world whose 520 stores are serving only in United Kingdom. This store chain is famous as it is the largest clothing retailer and is consider being multi-billion pound food retailer. Recently the store introduces the homes wares including different wares for furniture's and other products. It was the tail of 1998 when this store consider to be the first British store who make pre-tax profit of one billion pounds but later it went into some crisis but by 2007 it start growing economically and showing high profit margins to their investors. According to Emilio Barucci , (2003) Financial management policies are the one that are used by the firm to know that how they should finance their business, what should they provide the shareholders in return, what would be their cost structure and how they should manage their capital structure. This may include various structures that are taken in consideration to know that either the firm is acquiring better financial management system in the firm. Hermes is famous for its principles specially taking shareholders in consideration. Below Marks and Spencer financial management policies are seek by the researcher to know that either they are in accordance with Hermes principles or not. Financial Management Policies of the store Agency theory Thomas E. Copeland, John Fred Weston, Kuldeep Shastri, (2005) argued that agency theory of the firm includes the profit sharing, efficiency wages and performance measures. The agency theory of marks and Spencer is in accordance with the principles of Hermes. Today 290000 shareholders are present with marks and Spencer and the reason is that they are provided with effective return on their investments. Taking full care of the employee's, the employee's are provided with 500 pound bonus provided to each single employee on their performance. This bonus providing enhances the loyalty of the employees. When taking profit sharing in consideration than the firm ensures the stakeholders that they will be provided with maximum profits, and the reason is that they want to keep their stakeholders with them at long-term basis. The firm is providing efficient end results with the food retail shops as these are earning highest. Moreover, the firm has launched the performance measuring system to kn ow that what they can do more to increase the market performance of the firm. The agency theory of the Marks and Spencer is in accordance with Hermes but the only thing that they lack is efficient performance measures. According to Jean-Pierre Danthine, John B. Donaldson, (2005)the performance measure of the employees and their policies must be used to now that what are their actual performance. Marks and Spencer is dealing with more than 700 retail stores and thus measuring each employee performance would be difficult, but by
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Comparing For Profit and Non for Profit Colleges Essay Example for Free
Comparing For Profit and Non for Profit Colleges Essay Colleges and university have slowly become one of the stepping stones into the working world today. People go to colleges for higher education with the intention of earning degrees in which they can use in their respective fields. Some example degrees that people pursue are Medical, Law, Business, Accounting, and Science Degrees. Through the years the idea of college was that it was optional and it was a door for better life and job. However in the modern times, it become a necessity. It all started when the colleges once single- gender institutions target specific students in their respective demographics. Today, the college market has now been divided into two major categories: Not-for-Profit Colleges and For-Profit colleges. Not-For-Profit Colleges are institutions that are interested in serving the students needs by providing necessary education to the student. The Not-For-Profit organization are tax exempt and have a board of trustees that makes decisions. For-Profit Colleges are run like a business in which their goal is to generate income for their owners and shareholders. There are no board of trustees at For-Profit College and the owner and shareholders control the decision on which is best for the institution. Although the objective for both Not-for-Profit Colleges and For-Profit College is to provide their students an education in which they can use for their future, both institution have great differences in which their organizations are run. Although the primary objective For-Profit colleges is to provide an education, they are merely a business in which their goal is to earn a profit. Like any business, the For-Profit Colleges can be setup as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or even a subsidiary of a larger company. The For-Profit College can also be setup as a corporation that have stocks traded on the stock markets. They will try to bring earnings and a return on investment for all their shareholders and investors. They can have great flexibility because at the end of the day, the goal for the For-Profit College is to make money and only that. The instructors that are hired at For-Profit Colleges usually have a very different approach to their teaching compared to Non-For-Profit Colleges. Usually they are merely there to carry out the lesson plans in which was designed by the institution. Majority of the lesson plan given to each student is standard which means the instructors do not have the liberty to create their own curriculum or lesson plans. This is also due to the purpose of the education given is to assist the student in getting specific jobs with specific job functions. The courses at the For-Profit college is to help the students get better jobs in the market while the courses at Not-For-Profit College intend to allow the student learn and grow within their respective fields. Students that enter For-Profit colleges already have a plan in terms of type of jobs they would like to pursue and they enroll in the necessary courses while some students at Not-For-Profit College have no idea which career that they would like to pursue. Not-For-Profit college help you learn and gain the knowledge in the field that youre interested in while For-Profit colleges prepare you for the specific job that you want to do. The admission process for For-Profit schools are not as selective as the one in Not-For-Profit College. There isnt much prior evaluation of the student since their main goal is to make a profit. They tend to be more flexible in terms of their requirements and appeal to students of all ages and races. Modern day classes can be taken online and at more convenient times such as nights and weekends to accommodate students that work full time. Online has also been the new trend because of the lower overhead costs for the For-Profit institution. For-Profit institutions tend to not have a campus like the Not-For-Profit colleges do. For-Profit colleges classes is usually at their own building or leased space. There isnt any services such as on-campus food or housing that is available to the students at For-Profit institutions. The college provides students with the education that they need for their desire jobs rather than a college experience that a Not-For-Profit college can provide. For Profit institutions conduct their accounting the same as any regular business would do. Their main goal is to make a profit just like all businesses would do. For-Profit institutions must comply with the Federal Accounting Standard Board. The tuitions are recorded as revenue while the expenses include leases, staff, and maintenance expenses. For-Profit colleges budget system must include tools to forecast budgets, manage variance and generate financial reports. The budget forecast is designed to estimate revenue and expenses to its income center, administrative cost structure, and its academic schedule. The income center budget includes enrollments, revenue, and expenses by academic period. Administrative expenses include administrative costs per student and personnel pay ranges. The budget should also include financial report to show if the institution is profitable. Statements such as cash flow statements, net income, and balance sheet should all be included. The budget must also be flexible enough in case that their projections arent accurate. They should be easily accessible so that managers can routinely check if their performance is above, below, or even on target. To determine if the institution is on track with its budget and strategic plans, they would measure their six categories in their budget to get a better picture of the institutions performance. They are new students, enrollment, cost performance, revenue, net income, and cash flow. This way they would also be able to measure the efficiency of their institution also. The goal for Not-For-Profit Colleges is to provide students with higher education and help them advance in a particular field. Not-For-Profit Colleges are traditional college such as community colleges, state universities, and liberal arts colleges. These institutions gain funding to provide their services from the government subsidy, tuition fees, and donations. All the income that are received is strictly used for institution purposes. Some examples are professors, staff, maintenance, utilities, or even computers that the school needs and student needs. All the money is given back to the institution in some way. The professors hired at a Not-For-Profit College design their own courses and create their own course curriculum and lesson plan. They can provide the education in their courses with their own individual styles and lesson plans. The professors are under the guidance of the Board of Trustees, which is composed of different representatives that make decisions for the college. Not-For-Profit colleges are mainly to provide education for the student who are enrolled in their institution. The classes are usually on a campus in which the student spends a majority of their time at. The board of Trustees focuses on improving their campus for the student. The Board of Trustees is constantly making decisions from an academic, campus, and efficiency perspective in order to provide the best possible service for their students. Not-For-Profit Colleges select their students through a vigorous and selective process. Students usually express interest in attending the college and then the college decides if the student would be a good fit for the college. After being accepted, the student would be able to earn a scholarship to help with the room and board that the college charges. Not-For-Profit Colleges are selective of the students since they strive to serve students who would fit the reputation of the institution. This selective process allow college to focus on the needs of the students that are a good match for the college. From an accounting perspective Not-For-Profit colleges follow the rules of Governmental Accounting Standards Board who is responsible for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles used by the United States. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board issues statements that deal with the accounting principles and financial reporting rules of government and other Not-For-Profit organizations. Like all Not-For-Profit organization, these college contribute without expecting commensurate returns. Their main purpose is to provide education to the students that enroll in their school. Most of their income for these colleges come from the tuitions and fees they receive from their student. Other income comes from donation and government subsidies. When a Not-For-Profit College receives tuition payments and fees in full from students the college is supposed to record it at a gross amount, as any revenue would be recorded. If a student meets certain criterion that allows them to attend a publicly funded not-for-profit institution, tuition may be waived in the form of a tuition waiver. Tuition Waivers are reported as a contra-revenue account reducing the revenue account. If the college has any debts, they are recorded just as businesses record them as the debts are recorded with institutional support expenses. Students may pay for college with scholarships which are essentially amounts contributed for the education of a selected individual. Scholarships are given for a range of reasons including high academic standing, membership in certain societies, or awards. However there are two main sources of scholarships which are an outside donor or the scholarship is awarded by the college itself. If the scholarship is from an outside donor the not-for-profit college simply collects the amount receivable from the donor. If the scholarship is awarded by the college itself the accountant reduces the college’s accounts receivable. This reduction in the accounts receivable is recorded as an expense to education and general student aid. Certain expenses of a not-for-profit college are unrestricted net assets classified as instruction expense, research expense, public service expense, academic support, student services, institutional support, operation and maintenance of plant and student aid. Not-For-Profit Colleges cannot operate on tuition fees alone as all the money is immediately put into the school. Fortunately as a Not-For-Profit organization these colleges may receive governmental subsidies as support revenue. There are two types of government subsidies classified as unrestricted and restricted. Unrestricted subsidies are intended for the college to use in general operations. The Board of Trustees also has the power to decide whether a subsidy is unrestricted. Restricted subsidies can be split into either temporarily or permanently. These subsidies often are given for a certain purpose such as an expansion or special project. The restrictions on these subsidies refer to the amount that can be spent and when it can be spent. Sometimes the government may also provide students with grants, which are similar to scholarships in the sense that they are provided to help students reach their financial needs for school. Government grants can both be state or federal and come from government programs such as Pell or the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant. Similar to scholarships the college may either distribute the cash to the proper students or receive the amount that is to be distributed. If the college decides to receive the grant then it is recorded as a liability in the â€Å"Grant Funds Held for Students†account. Not-For-Profit colleges usually also have an endowment fund which is used to help finance the operating expenses of the organization. Aside from the general endowment the institution may also have restricted endowments intended for specific purposes such as professorships, scholarships or fellowships. For cash received from permanent endowments it is recorded as a contribution and the income is restricted to student aid. Any income received due to an endowment is temporarily restricted and the cash is meant to be spent on student aid. The other services that a Not-For-Profit College provides are the Auxiliary Services. The Auxiliary Services are the services and amenities of the campus. Examples of such services are residence halls, food services and the college athletic teams. These services are classified under unrestricted revenues and expenses. The total of the accounts from the auxiliary services are reported on the Statement of Activities for the College and subsidiary records are also kept. The Statement of Activities for the Not-For-Profit College will usually list the Revenues combined with Total Net Assets Released from Restrictions for Operations to get the Total Revenues and Reclassifications. The next section is usually the Expenses section followed by any Net Change in Unrestricted Assets, Temporarily Restricted Assets and finally Permanently Restricted Net Assets. The Statement of Activities is then followed by a summary on the Change in Assets for the past year. Even though the main purpose of both For-Profit and Not-For-Profit is the same, the way that they function arent necessary the same. The accounting standards and rules that they follow both are very different. Also the rules that both colleges follow are extremely different. Both colleges have their strength and weaknesses in their way that they serve their students. The student should chose the type of college they want depending on what their needs are. If the student is looking to advance their education they should be looking for a traditional Not-For-Profit College. If they are trying to land a job that has technical skills which are required, then the For-Profit College is a better option.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Leadership Styles Of Harley Davidson Management Essay
Leadership Styles Of Harley Davidson Management Essay Introduction: This case study is about Harley-Davidson a prestigious American Motorcycle manufacturer situated at Milwaukee U.S.A, with a full year 2009 revenue of $4.29 billion and income of $70.6 million from continuing operations. (Press release This analysis has its focus on a brief history of H-D, which includes the manufacturing issues and the problems it had, the various strategic changes made by H-D in the manufacturing process to achieve its goals. The implementation of JIT and its effect on the plant and the product, the Supplier development, Supplier relationship and the efforts towards Supply Chain Management. It also includes the Risks, costs and benefits of Supplier development, the Key learning which we take away from the case study and lastly it concludes with the future trends in SCM. A brief History: In 1970s heavy weight motorcycle market was in the hands of H-D. The Corporate parent AMF wanted to take advantage of this market dominance by production of more bikes at a faster rate.In the process they lost the focus on Quality and Supply Chain Management. In 1974 the quality of the product was at its bottom. Harley-Davidson needed a desperate change to overcome these issues, in 1981, a group of local management was put together to rebuilt the company. Key theories, Strategic changes and Implementation at H-D: 1. Inventory, Inventory Turns and Cash Flow: A downfall in sales due to the quality problems increased their inventory level to $24 million. H-D worked on Inventory Management. Inventory Turns The number of times a company rolls over its inventory per year is defined as its Inventory Turns. Calculation: Most commonly used method is to divide the annual sales of the company per year by the average inventory level maintained per year. For example, if the average sales of a company is $2,000,000 per year and the average inventory maintained for a year is say $50,000 than the inventory turns for that particular company is 8 ( ref. Supply chain The increase in the Inventory Turns of a company, generates more free cash flow. Free cash flow is an asset, as it can be used for other advantages rather than blocking the money in Inventory Stock. (Ref.Marie Leone, Supply chain At H-D an inventory turns of 4.5/year was increased up to a level of 28.Consequently the inventory came down to $4 million. 2. Shift of manufacturing strategy from Push to Pull and JIT: PUSH and PULL PUSH is the traditional style of manufacturing in which a product is manufactured irrespective of its demand. The process then Pushs to the next step. It may be the selling of the product. This leads to unnecessary inventory, over stock because the production goes on without the actual demand of the product. PULL is the lean style of manufacturing in which a product is manufactured on demand. If there is no demand, there would be no production. This saves money as unnecessary production is avoided. Lesser inventory is maintained because what is produced is consumed. The customer will PULL the product from the manufacturing facility.Manufacturing facility is in tune with the market dynamics. ( Lean Thinking is an articulation of the core principles behind the Toyota Production System (TPS), acknowledged to be the most efficient in the world today. (Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Management the LEAN approach David Taylor and David Brunt) Just in Time Manufacturing (JIT) Just in Time Manufacturing Just in Time (JIT) manufacturing is a Japanese management philosophy applied in manufacturing which involves having the right items of the right quality and quantity in the right place and at the right time. The proper use of JIT manufacturing has resulted in increases in quality, productivity and efficiency, improved communication and decreases in costs and wastes. Goals of JIT: Finding customer needs and responding to it: Production is tuned according to the customer demands. Cost effective quality standards: quality should and must be the topmost priority, but it should be cost effective. Work for a minimum wastes: Elimination of wastes which are of no use for the production. Trust development in relationships with the suppliers: Supplier relationship is of utmost importance specially in the case of single sourcing, it is a strength of company to have strong supplier relations, both in terms of materials, inventory and deliveries on time. Plant designing for utmost efficiency and easy manufacturing: Plant design must ease the production process with least labour involvement. It must ensure to use the full plant potential. Striving hard for improvements on a continual basis: This makes organization competitive and committed to the needs of the costumers, as customer demands are always volatile. (Ref.Just in Time Manufacturing, T.C.E Cheng and S Podolsky; Curtin University of Technology, Australia; Institute for Manufacturing University of Cambridge) Changes and Quality development at H-D: H-D shifted from PUSH (anticipating demand) to PULL (responding to orders). Set up times were reduced drastically, it made smaller life-size feasible.H-D moved towards Just in Time manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. It invested in group problem solving program, like Quality Circle and made a policy to respond to any of the problem issues within two weeks. Employee involvement at H-D made them even more commited.An Example: To me every transmission and engine bolted is going to my motorcycle, Doug Tearney, Final Inspector Harley-Davidson. Supplier Selection and Development: Supplier Selection: JIT emphasis on single sourcing.Single Sourcing is a sourcing strategy in which the company buying is dependant on a single company for almost all of the particular item or service. Suggestive qualitative aspects used for supplier evaluation: Design, development and process capacity. How capable the management is? Financial know-hows and structure of cost. Environmental Regulation Compliance. Longer-Term Relationship Potential. (Ref. Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, Cecil C. Bozarth and Robert B. Handfield) Supplier development: Supplier development can be defined as any activity that a buyer undertakes to improve suppliers performance and/or capabilities to meet the buyers short-term, long-term supply needs. Or in other words, Supplier development can be loosely defined as the process of working collaboratively with suppliers to improve or expand their capabilities. (Ref. A supplier development program must aim for improving the performance of a supplier; and helping them to get what they need to be successful in supply chain. Important functions of supplier development programs: Providing information about products, expected sales growth, etc. Suppliers need to become extensions of their customers. Training in the application of lean and quality tools. If suppliers had more information about the entire supply chain and had a true lean transformation underway, they would become more profitable and provide a better quality and lower-cost product, on-time. (Ref. (Ref.Avoid the Pitfalls in Supplier Development Robert B. Handfield, Daniel R Krause, Thomas V .Scannell and Robert M. Monczka) Supplier Management at H-D: Supplier Optimization: H-D cuts its supplier base from 320 to 120 and established performance requirements. Suppliers must have MAN, JIT, Statistical Operator Control and Employee Involvement. Supplier problems and Solutions: H-D required JIT at Supplier end, but suppliers had problems with it as they deal with different types of customers. They ended up with Just in Time warehouses, which leads to quality problems. For JIT at supplier end, proper advance scheduling was given by H-D.Piston supplier KSG adapted to H-D requirements. It changed from producing to two months inventory, to producing as per the requirement. KSG did the entire process from bowing to packaging in just a space of 35ft with two-three operators, with unbelievable throughput time. Previously the same work was done with fifteen operators scattered all over the plant. Ultra Tool the metal stamping company, a supplier of H-D, had great success with MAN program. At Ultra tool for a number of operations on a part it required part movement. A cell was designed at Ultra Tool that reduces the part movement to just 10 feets.The parts were taken to a particular area in this cell and it included tooling as well. It made the process fairly quick. Commonality of purpose: Harley improved the processes at Ultra Tool; in return it had no price rise from this supplier for 3-4 years.(an example of mutual benefit to Customer and Supplier). Risks, cost and benefits of Supplier Development: Supplier development involves the cost which is incurred by the Customer company and no immideate returns are visible for it.This depend upon the need and the value of the product that the funds are allocated for the trainings and development of suppliers
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